Numer czasopisma
Computer Science
ISSN: 1508-2806
Data wydania
Vol. 15
No. 4
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: CC BY 4.0
Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
Computer Science
Vol. 15 (2014)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Dostęp ograniczony
Complex Event Processing approach to automated monitoring of a particle accelerator and its control system
(2014) Grzegorczyk, Karol; Baggiolini, Vito; Zieliński, Krzysztof
This article presents the design and implementation of a software component for automated monitoring and diagnostic information analysis of a particle accelerator and its control system. The information that is analyzed can be seen as streams of events. A Complex Event Processing (CEP) approach to event processing was selected. The main advantage of this approach is the ability to continuously query data coming from several streams. The presented software component is based on Esper, the most popular open-source implementation of CEP. As a test bed, the control system of the accelerator complex located at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, was chosen. The complex includes the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s most powerful accelerator. The main contribution to knowledge is by showing that the CEP approach can successfully address many of the challenges associated with automated monitoring of the accelerator and its control system that were previously unsolved. Test results, performance analysis, and a proposal for further works are also presented.
Dostęp ograniczony
The cryptanalysis of the Enigma cipher - the plugboard and the cryptologic bomb
(2014) Borowska, Anna; Rzeszutko, Elżbieta
We study the problem of decoding secret messages encrypted by the German Army with the M3 Enigma machine after September 15, 1938. We focused our attention on the algorithmization and programming of this problem. A completion and optimization of Zygalski’s sheets method were presented previously. We describe below the missing algorithm solving the problem of the plugboard settings with an algebraic justification. This method is the original idea of the authors, and we can use it for cryptanalysis together with both Zygalski’s sheets method and Rejewski’s bomb method. Next, we present a reconstruction of the cryptologic bomb. We enclose an implementation of both algorithms in Cpp language.
Dostęp ograniczony
Agent-based data integration framework
(2014) Faber, Łukasz
Combining data from diverse, heterogeneous sources while facilitating a unified access to it is an important (albeit difficult) task. There are various possibilities of performing it. In this publication, we propose and describe an agent-based framework dedicated to acquiring and processing distributed, heterogeneous data collected from diverse sources (e.g., the Internet, external software, relational, and document databases). Using this multi-agent-based approach in the aspects of the general architecture (the organization and management of the framework), we create a proof-of-concept implementation. The approach is presented using a sample scenario in which the system is used to search for personal and professional profiles of scientists.
Dostęp ograniczony
Agents modeling experience applied to control of semi-continuous production process
(2014) Rojek, Gabriel
The lack of proper analytical models of some production processes prevents us from obtaining proper values of process parameters by simply computing optimal values. Possible solutions of control problems in such areas of industrial processes can be found using certain methods from the domain of artificial intelligence: neural networks, fuzzy logic, expert systems, or evolutionary algorithms. Presented in this work, a solution to such a control problem is an alternative approach that combines control of the industrial process with learning based on production results. By formulating the main assumptions of the proposed methodology, decision processes of a human operator using his experience are taken into consideration. The researched model of using and gathering experience of human beings is designed with the contribution of agent technology. The presented solution of the control problem coincides with case-based reasoning (CBR) methodology.
Dostęp ograniczony
Comparison of incomplete data handling techniques for neuro-fuzzy systems
(2014) Sikora, Marcin; Simiński Krzysztof
Real-life data sets sometimes miss some values. The incomplete data needs specialized algorithms or preprocessing that allows the use of the algorithms for complete data. The paper presents a comparison of various techniques for handling incomplete data in the neuro-fuzzy system ANNBFIS. The crucial procedure in the creation of a fuzzy model for the neuro-fuzzy system is the partition of the input domain. The most popular approach (also used in the ANNBFIS) is clustering. The analyzed approaches for clustering incomplete data are: preprocessing (marginalization and imputation) and specialized clustering algorithms (PDS, IFCM, OCS, NPS). The objective of our research is the comparison of the preprocessing techniques and specialized clustering algorithms to find the the most-advantageous technique for handling incomplete data with a neuro-fuzzy system. This approach is also the indirect validation of clustering.
Dostęp ograniczony
Acceptance testing of web applications with Test Description Language
(2014) Olek, Łukasz; Alchimowicz, Bartosz; Nawrocki, Jerzy Ryszard
Acceptance tests are usually created by a client after a part of a system is implemented. However, some methodologies propose the elaboration of test cases before implementing a system. This approach increases the probability of system implementation that fulfills requirements, but may be problematic for customers and testers. To allow acceptance testing in such conditions, we propose to define test cases by recording them on an interactive mockup (a low detailed user-interface prototype). The paper focuses on Test Description Language, a notation used to store test cases.