Numer czasopisma
Computer Science

ISSN: 1508-2806
Data wydania
Vol. 13
No. 1
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: CC BY 4.0
Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
Computer Science
Vol. 13 (2012)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Dostęp ograniczony
Using advanced data mining and integration in environmental prediction scenarios
(2012) Habala, Ondrej; Hluchý, Ladislav; Tran, Viet; Krammer, Peter; Šeleng, Martin
We present one of the meteorological and hydrological experiments performed in the FP7 project ADMIRE. It serves as an experimental platform for hydrologists, and we have used it also as a testing platform for a suite of advanced data integration and data mining (DMI) tools, developed within ADMIRE. The idea of ADMIRE is to develop an advanced DMI platform accessible even to users who are not familiar with data mining techniques. To this end, we have designed a novel DMI architecture, supported by a set of software tools, managed by DMI process descriptions written in a specialized high-level DMI language called DISPEL, and controlled via several different user interfaces, each performing a different set of tasks and targeting different user group.
Dostęp ograniczony
Design and implementation of the Mobile Grid Resource Management System
(2012) Filippidis, Christos; Cotronis, Yiannis; Markou, Christos
We present a design of a Mobile Grid Resource Management System aimed at integrating mobile resources to an existing Grid infrastructure, while creating a platform for interoperability with telecommunications providers. In order to reduce the load on an existing infrastructure, we separate responsibilities and run additional features on mobile resources. Finally we present the Ikaros-EG implementation, IkarosM android application and the mobile-Grid concept.The system used for our implementation was the NCSR "Demokritos" ZEUS computer Cluster, where the Ikaros-EG framework consisting of a meta-data collector and the Ikaros-EG plug-in has been installed. The ZEUS cluster has local and Grid access to data and meta-data from numerous scientific experiments. Our objective was to incorporate the mobile resources using the NCSR Demokritos campus wireless infrastructure in order to run applications concerning accounting, statistics, or further data/meta-data formatting.
Dostęp ograniczony
Using BOINC desktop grid to solve large scale SAT problems
(2012) Posypkin, Mihail Anatol'evič; Semënov, Aleksandr Anatol'evič; Zaikin, Oleg
Many practically important combinatorial problems can be efficiently reduced to a problem of Boolean satisfiability (SAT). Therefore, the implementation of distributed algorithms for solving SAT problems is of great importance. In this article we describe a technology for organizing desktop grid, which is meant for solving SAT problems. This technology was implemented in the form of a volunteer computing project SAT@home based on a popular BOINC platform.
Dostęp ograniczony
GPU enhanced simulation of angiogenesis
(2012) Worecki, Marcin; Wcisło, Rafał
In the paper we present the use of graphic processor units to accelerate the most time-consuming stages of a simulation of angiogenesis and tumor growth. By the use of advanced CUDA mechanisms such as shared memory, textures and atomic operations, we managed to speed up the CUDA kernels by a factor of 57x. However, in our simulation we used the GPU as a co-processor and data from CPU was copied back and forth in each phase. It decreased the speedup of rewritten stages by 40%. We showed that the performance of the entire simulation can be improved by a factor of 10 up to 20.
Dostęp ograniczony
Dataspace support platform for e-Science
(2012) Elsayed, Ibrahim; Brezany, Peter
This work intends to provide a data management solution based on the concepts of dataspaces for the large-scale and long-term management of scientific data. Our approach is to semantically enrich the existing relationship among primary and derived data items, and to preserve both relationships and data together within a dataspace to be reused by owners and others. To enable reuse, data must be well preserved. Preservation of scientific data can best be established if the full life cycle of data is addressed. This is challenged by the e-Science life cycle ontology, whose major goal is to trace the semantics about procedures in scientific experiments. We present a theoretical dataspace model for e-Science applications, its implementation within a dataspace support platform and an experimental evaluation on top of two real world application domains.
Dostęp ograniczony
A toolkit for storage QoS provisioning for data-intensive applications
(2012) Słota, Renata; Król, Dariusz; Skałkowski, Kornel; Orzechowski, Michał; Nikolow, Darin; Kryza, Bartosz; Wrzeszcz, Michał; Kitowski, Jacek
This paper describes a programming toolkit developed in the PL-Grid project, named QStorMan, which supports storage QoS provisioning for data-intensive applications in distributed environments. QStorMan exploits knowledgeoriented methods for matching storage resources to non-functional requirements, which are defined for a data-intensive application. In order to support various usage scenarios, QStorMan provides two interfaces, such as programming libraries or a web portal. The interfaces allow to define the requirements either directly in an application source code or by using an intuitive graphical interface. The first way provides finer granularity, e.g., each portion of data processed by an application can define a different set of requirements. The second method is aimed at legacy applications support, which source code can not be modified. The toolkit has been evaluated using synthetic benchmarks and the production infrastructure of PL-Grid, in particular its storage infrastructure, which utilizes the Lustre file system.