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Computer Science

ISSN: 1508-2806

Data wydania
Vol. 14
No. 1
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: CC BY 4.0
Attribution 4.0 International
Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY 4.0)

Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
Computer Science
Vol. 14 (2013)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Dostęp ograniczony
Challenges and opportunities for the future of icampuses
(2013) Moore, Philip; Evans, Cain; Sharma, Mak; Mount, Sarah; Osman, Keith; Rayson, Peter; Chapman, Craig; Chima, Parmjit; Athwal, Cham; While, David; Thomas, Andrew M.; Shah, Hanifa U.; Pham, Hai V.; Wilcox, Anthony J.
Meeting the educational needs of students currently requires moving toward collaborative electronic and mobile learning systems that parallel the vision of Web 2.0. However, factors such as data freedom, brokerage, interconnectivity and the Internet of Things add to a vision for Web 3.0 that will require consideration in the development of future campus-based, distance and vocational study. So, education can, in future, be expected to require deeper technological connections between students and learning environments, based on significant use of sensors, mobile devices, cloud computing and rich-media visualization. Therefore, we discuss challenges associated with such a futuristic campus context, including how learning materials and environments may be enriched by it. As an additional novel element the potential for much of that enrichment to be realized through development by students, within the curriculum, is also considered. We will conclude that much of the technology required to embrace the vision of Web 3.0 in education already exists, but that further research in key areas is required for the concept to achieve its full potential.
Dostęp ograniczony
From quantity to quality - massive molecular dynamics simulation of nanostructures dunder plastic deformation in desktop and service grid distributed computing infrastructure
(2013) Gatsenko, Olexander; Bekenev, Lev Valer'evič; Pavlov, Evgen Valerijovič; Gordienko, Ûri G.
The distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) on the basis of BOINC and EDGeS-bridge technologies for high-performance distributed computing is used for porting the sequential molecular dynamics (MD) application to its parallel version for DCIwith Desktop Grids (DGs) and Service Grids (SGs). The actual metrics of the working DG-SG DCI were measured, and the normal distribution of host performances, and signs of log-normal distributions of Rother characteristics (CPUs, RAM, and HDD per host) were found. The practical feasibility and high efficiency of the MD simulations on the basis of DG-SG DCI were demonstrated during the experiment with the massive MD simulations for the large quantity of aluminum nanocrystals (Statistical analysis (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, moment analysis, and bootstrapping analysis) of the defect density distribution over the ensemble of nanocrystals had show that change of plastic deformation mode is followed by the qualitative change of defect density distribution type over ensemble of nanocrystals. Some limitations (fluctuating performance, unpredictable availability of resources, etc.) of the typical DG-SG DCI were outlined, and some advantages (high efficiency, high speedup, and low cost) were demonstrated. Deploying on DG DCI allows to get new scientific quality from the simulated quantity of numerous configurations by harnessing sufficient computational power to undertake MD simulations in a wider range of physical parameters (configurations) in a much shorter timeframe.
Dostęp ograniczony
CLUO - web-scale text mining system for open source intelligence purposes
(2013) Maciołek, Przemysław; Dobrowolski, Grzegorz
The amount of textual information published on the Internet is considered to be in billions of web pages, blog posts, comments, social media updates and others. Analyzing such quantities of data requires high level of distribution – both data and computing. This is especially true in case of complex algorithms, often used in text mining tasks. The paper presents a prototype implementation of CLUO – an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) system, which extracts and analyzes significant quantities of openly available information.
Dostęp ograniczony
Large-scale research on quality of experience (QoE) algorithms
(2013) Leszczuk, Mikołaj; Szczerba, Błażej; Głowacz, Andrzej; Derkacz, Jan; Dziech, Andrzej; Romaniak, Piotr
The large variety of video data sources means variability not only in terms of included content, but also in terms of quality.Therefore, quality assessment provides an additional dimension.The paper describes a comprehensive evaluation experiment on perceived video quality. Consequently, in summary, 19 200 000 video frames will be processed. Given the scale of the experiment, it is set up on a computer cluster in order to accelerate the calculations significantly. This work on Quality of Experience (QoE) is synchronized with that conducted by the Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG), in particular the Joint Efforts Group (JEG) – Hybrid group project.
Dostęp ograniczony
Niching in evolutionary multi-agent systems
(2013) Krzywicki, Daniel
Niching is a group of techniques used in evolutionary algorithms, useful in several types of problems, including multimodal or nonstationary optimization. This paper investigates the applicability of these methods to evolutionary multi-agent systems (EMAS), a hybrid model combining the advantages of evolutionary algorithms and multi-agent systems. This could increase the efficiency of this type of algorithms and allow to apply them to a wider class of problems. As a starting point, a simple but flexible EMAS framework is proposed. Then, it is shown how to extend this framework in order to introduce niching, by adapting two classical niching methods. Finally, preliminary experimental results show the efficiency and the simultaneous discovery of multiple optima by this modified EMAS.
Dostęp ograniczony
Two-dimensional hp-adaptive algorithm for continuous approximations of material data using space projection
(2013) Gurgul, Piotr; Sieniek, Marcin; Paszyński, Maciej; Madej, Łukasz; Collier, Nathan
In this paper we utilize the concept of the L 2 and H 1 projections used to adaptively generate a continuous approximation of an input material data in the finie element (FE) base.This approximation, along with a corresponding FE mesh, can be used as material data for FE solvers. We begin with abrief theoretical background, followed by description of the hp -adaptive algorithm adopted here to improve gradually quality of the projections. We investigate also a few distinct sample problems, apply the aforementioned algorithms and conclude with numerical results evaluation.
Dostęp ograniczony
Parallelized algorithms for finding similar images and object recognition
(2013) Frączek, Rafał; Cyganek, Bogusław; Wiatr, Kazimierz
The paper addresses the issue of searching for similar images and objects in arepository of information. The contained images are annotated with the help of the sparse descriptors. In the presented research, different color and edge histogram descriptors were used. To measure similarities among images,various color descriptors are compared. For this purpose different distance measures were employed. In order to decrease execution time, several code optimization and parallelization methods are proposed. Results of these experiments, as well as discussion of the advantages and limitations of different combinations of metods are presented.
Dostęp ograniczony
Erlang-based software update platform for mobile devices
(2013) Wielgus, Małgorzata; Dąbek, Przemysław; Janusz, Roman; Kowal, Tomasz; Turek, Wojciech
Growing computational power of mobile devices modifies existing approaches to data processing in large-scale sensor networks. Since sensors are no longer limited to simple data acquisition tasks, such networks can be considered complex geodistributed data processing systems. Features and requirements of such systems justify use of Erlang language and technology for programming mobile devices.The technology provides several crucial features, including fault tolerance, message-passing concurrency or hot-code loading. In this paper the problem of software management in Erlang-based distributed systems is discussed. A mechanism for installing and upgrading Erlang applications using operating system package manager is described. A platform for updating software in largescale systems is presented.
Dostęp ograniczony
ComcuteJS - a Web browser based platform for large-scale computations
(2013) Dębski, Roman; Krupa, Tomasz; Majewski, Przemysław
The paper presents a new, cost effective,volunteer computing based platform. It utilizes volunteers’web browsers as computational nodes. The computational tasks are delegated to the browsers and executed in the background (independently of any user interface scripts) making use of the HTML5 web workers technology. The capabilities of the platform hale been proved by experiments performer in a wide range of numbers of computational nodes (1–400).
Dostęp ograniczony
Volunteer computing simulation using RePast and MASON
(2013) Byrski, Aleksander; Feluś, Michał; Gawlik, Jakub; Jasica, Rafał; Kobak, Paweł; Jankowski, Grzegorz; Nawarecki, Edward; Wroczyński, Michał; Majewski, Przemysław; Krupa, Tomasz; Strychalski, Jacek
Volunteer environments usually consist of a large number of computing nodes, with highly dynamic characteristics, therefore reliable models for a planning of the whole computing are highly desired. An easy to implement approach to modelling and simulation of such environments May employ agent-based universal simulation frameworks, such as RePast or MASON. In the course of the paper the above-mentioned simulation frame Works are adapter to suport simulation of volunteer computing. After giving implementation details, selected results concerning computing time and speedup are given and are compared with the ones obtained from an actual volunteer environment.
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