Numer czasopisma  

Geotourism / Geoturystyka

ISSN: 1731-0830

Data wydania
No. 1-2 (40-41)
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: CC BY 4.0
Attribution 4.0 International
Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY 4.0)

Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
Geotourism / Geoturystyka
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Tylko metadane
Geotourist maps of the Sudetic Geostrada Trail as a new form of popularization of geotourism in the Sudety Mts.
(2015) Bartuś, Tomasz
The aim of the paper is the presentation of Geological tourist maps of the Sudetic Geostrada Trail, which were prepared during the development of the project: „The Sudetic Geostrada – geological and landscape studies heritage with an inventory of the objects of abiotic nature” (2008–2011). The main aim of the project was to popularize the geological-mining heritage and abiotic nature of the Sudety Mts. The maps are synthetic, multi-sheet, cartographic development prepared in three versions: a geotourist map of the Sudetic Geostrada Trail at a 1 : 25 000 scale (on a base geological map), a geological and mining heritage map of the Sudetic Geostrada Trail, on a base topographic map at a 1 : 25 000 scale and Geosites localization maps at a 1 : 10 000 scale. The main thematic layers of the maps present the most important and attractive geosites, protected objects of biotic nature, objects of infrastructure and tourist attractions. Main recipients of these maps can be tourists and local governments. The maps may become important tools in popularizing and promoting geotourism in the Sudety Mts.
Tylko metadane
Granite tors of Waldviertel (Lower Austria) as sites of geotourist interest
(2015) Michniewicz, Aleksandra; Różycka, Milena; Migoń, Piotr
Granites of the South Bohemian Pluton are among the main rocks in the region of Waldviertel in the northern part of Lower Austria. The overall topography is gently rolling, with higher elevations and medium-altitude mountainous relief present only in the south-western part. Tors are the most characteristic residual landforms and occupy different settings, from mountain tops to valley floors. They vary in shapes and dimensions, with castle koppies and boulder clusters being most common. Many tors host well-developed microforms such as weathering pits, karren, runnels, and flared slopes. Balanced rocks are among the highlights of the region. Because of good access residual granite landforms of Waldviertel are well suited to be developed as geosites and geotourist destinations, but there is clearly a deficit of explanation and interpretation. In this paper 15 representative tors are presented, tourist infrastructure is summarized, and a thematic one-day drive is proposed.
Tylko metadane
Sedimentary indicators of a deep sea environment,in the sandstones of rocky forms,from the Ciężkowice-Rożnów Landscape Park (Outer Carpathians, Poland)
(2015) Stadnik, Renata; Waśkowska-Oliwa, Anna
The rocky forms of the Ciężkowice-Rożnów Landscape Park form the remains of the solid cover of the Ciężkowice Sandstone. Deposits in rocky forms represent different types of facies. Numerous and genetically diverse sedimentary structures in the sandstones are typical for a deep-sea flysch environment. Analysis of these well preserved features makes it possible to interpret the paleoenvironment of their sedimentation in the Eocene. These features have also become unusually valuable, in terms of both research methodology, known as sedimentological facies analysis, as well as in popularising geological knowledge.
Tylko metadane
Utilization of simple presentation methods for comparative studies in the historical mining
(2015) Rybár, Pavol; Molokáč, Mario; Hvizdák, Ladislav; Hvizdáková, Jana
The article deals with two important sites of the copper cementation process in historical mine deposits, namely Spania Dolina and Smolník in Slovakia. It analyzes these two historical mining sites from several points of view, such as their significance at the time, applied technologies and philosophers interested on it. For comparison, simple presentation methods were used based on graphic and animation software. The methods show historical mining in a broader context making it possible to combine its developments with other historical facts. The paper used presentation methods for comparing technologies and knowledge about cementation waters in two Slovak historical mining locations - Smolník and Spania Dolina.
Tylko metadane
Development of the trends in Czech spas, with an accent on Russian spa clients
(2015) Pellešová, Pavlina; Kostková, Miroslava
The Czech spa has a rich history and is based on the use of natural medicinal resources, with a significant share of direct medical care coupled with a comprehensive approach to treatment admissions. The trends set in Czech spas are affected more and more by foreign clients, which compensates for shortfalls of the domestic clientele. Russian guests are one of the most important groups of the Czech spa clientele. The article discusses the development of trends in Czech spas, with an accent on the Russian spa clientele. Trend analysis was carried out using the method of scenarios, where opinions of experts are compared with the results of surveys.
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