Numer czasopisma
Computer Science
ISSN: 1508-2806
Data wydania
Vol. 13
No. 2
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: CC BY 4.0
Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
Computer Science
Vol. 13 (2012)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Dostęp ograniczony
The extension of TORQUE scheduler allowing the use of planning and optimization in grids
(2012) Chlumský, Václav; Klusáček, Dalibor; Ruda, Mirosław
In this work we present a major extension of the open source TORQUE Resource Manager system. We have replaced a naive scheduler provided in the TORQUE distribution with complex scheduling system that allows to plan job execution ahead and predict the behavior of the system. It is based on the application of job schedule, which represents the job's execution plan. Such a functionality is very useful as the plan can be used by the users to see when and where their jobs will be executed. Moreover, created plans can be easily evaluated in order to identify possible inefficiencies. Then, repair actions can be taken immediately and the inefficiencies can be fixed, producing better schedules with respect to considered criteria.
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Information extraction from chemical patents
(2012) Romberg, Mathilde; Klenner, Alexander; Zimmermann, Marc; Bergmann, Sandra
The development of new chemicals or pharmaceuticals is preceded by an indepth analysis of published patents in this field. This information retrieval is a costly and time inefficient step when done by a human reader, yet it is mandatory for potential success of an investment. The goal of the research project UIMA-HPC is to automate and hence speed-up the process of knowledge mining about patents. Multi-threaded analysis engines, developed according to UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture) standards, process texts and images in thousands of documents in parallel. UNICORE (UNiform Interface to COmputing Resources) workflow control structures make it possible to dynamically allocate resources for every given task to gain best cpu-time/realtime ratios in an HPC environment.
Dostęp ograniczony
Practical experiences with Torque meta-scheduling in the Czech National Grid
(2012) Tóth, Šimon; Ruda, Mirosław
The Czech National Grid Infrastructure went through a complex transition in the last year. The production environment has been switched from a commercial batch system PBSPro, which was replaced by an open source alternative Torque batch system. This paper concentrates on two aspects of this transition. First, we will present our practical experience with Torque being used as a production ready batch system. Our modified version of Torque, with all the necessary PBSPro exclusive features re-implemented and further extended with new features like cloud-like behaviour, was deployed across the entire production environment, covering the entire Czech Republic for almost a full year. In the second part, we will present our work on meta-scheduling. This involves our work on distributed architecture and cloud-grid convergence. The distributed architecture was designed to overcome the limitations of a central server setup, which was originally used and presented stability and performance issues. While this paper does not discuss the inclusion of cloud interfaces into grids, it does present the dynamic infrastructure, which is a requirement for sharing the grid infrastructure between a batch system and a cloud gateway. We are also inviting everyone to try out our fork of the Torque batch system, which is now publicly available.
Dostęp ograniczony
Computational approach to understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders
(2012) Duch, Włodzisław; Nowak, Wiesław; Meller, Jarosław; Osiński, Grzegorz; Mikołajewski, Dariusz; Wójcik, Grzegorz Marcin; Dobosz, Krzysztof
Every year the prevalence of Autism Spectrum of Disorders (ASD) is rising. Is there a unifying mechanism of various ASD cases at the genetic, molecular, cellular or systems level? The hypothesis advanced in this paper is focused on neural dysfunctions that lead to problems with attention in autistic people. Simulations of attractor neural networks performing cognitive functions help to assess system long-term neurodynamics. The Fuzzy Symbolic Dynamics (FSD) technique is used for the visualization of attractors in the semantic layer of the neural model of reading. Large-scale simulations of brain structures characterized by a high order of complexity requires enormous computational power, especially if biologically motivated neuron models are used to investigate the influence of cellular structure dysfunctions on the network dynamics. Such simulations have to be implemented on computer clusters in a grid-based architectures.
Dostęp ograniczony
Heterogeneous GPU&CPU cluster for High Performance Computing in cryptography
(2012) Marks, Michał; Jantura, Jarosław; Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, Ewa; Strzelczyk, Przemysław; Góźdź, Krzysztof
This paper addresses issues associated with distributed computing systems and the application of mixed GPU&CPU technology to data encryption and decryption algorithms. We describe a heterogenous cluster HGCC formed by two types of nodes: Intel processor with NVIDIA graphics processing unit and AMD processor with AMD graphics processing unit (formerly ATI), and a novel software framework that hides the heterogeneity of our cluster and provides tools for solving complex scientific and engineering problems. Finally, we present the results of numerical experiments. The considered case study is concerned with parallel implementations of selected cryptanalysis algorithms. The main goal of the paper is to show the wide applicability of the GPU&CPU technology to large scale computation and data processing.
Dostęp ograniczony
Improving software systems by Flow Control Analysis
(2012) Poznański, Piotr; Wawrowski, Mariusz
Using agile methods during the implementation of the system that meets mission critical requirements can be a real challenge. The change in the system built of dozens or even hundreds of specialized devices with embedded software requires the cooperation of a large group of engineers. This article presents a solution that supports parallel work of groups of system analysts and software developers. Deployment of formal rules to the requirements written in natural language enables using formal analysis of artifacts being a bridge between software and system requirements. Formalism and textual form of requirements allowed the automatic generation of message flow graph for the (sub) system, called the 'big-picture-model'. Flow diagram analysis helped to avoid a large number of defects whose repair cost in extreme cases could undermine the legitimacy of agile methods in projects of this scale. Retrospectively, a reduction of technical debt was observed. Continuous analysis of the 'big picture model' improves the control of the quality parameters of the software architecture. The article also tries to explain why the commercial platform based on UML modeling language may not be sufficient in projects of this complexity.
Dostęp ograniczony
The use of standards in HELIO
(2012) Pierantoni, Gabriele; Kenny, Eamonn; Coghlan, B.
HELIO [8] is a project funded under the FP7 program for the discovery and analysis of data for heliophysics. During its development, standards and common frameworks were adopted in three main areas of the project: query services, processing services, and the security infrastructure. After a first, proprietary implementation of the security service, it was suggested moving it to a standard security framework to simplify the enforcement of security on the different sites. As the HELIO front end is built with Spring and the TAVERNA server (HELIO workflow engine) has a security framework compatible with Spring, it has been decided to move the CIS in Spring security [2]. HELIO has two different processing services: one is a generic processing service called HELIO Processing Services (HPS), the other is called Context Service (CTX) and it runs specific IDL procedures. The CTX implements the UWS [4] interface from the IVOA [5], a standard interface for job submission used in the helio and astrophysics community. In its final release, the HPS will expose an UWS compliant interface. Finally, some of the HELIO services perform queries, to simplify the implementation and usage of this services a single query interface (the HELIO Query Interface) has been designed for all these services. The use of these solutions for security, execution, and query allows for easier implementation of the original HELIO architecture and for a simpler deployment of the services.
Dostęp ograniczony
The CC1 project - system for Private Cloud Computing
(2012) Chwastowski, Janusz; Grzymkowski, Rafał; Nabożny, Maciej; Natkaniec, Zbigniew; Olszewski, Andrzej; Sobocińska, Zofia; Sośnicki, Tomasz; Szostak, Michał; Syktus, Przemysław; Wójcik, Piotr; Wojtoń, Tomasz; Zdybał, Miłosz; Żabiński, Bartłomiej; Witek, Mariusz; Kruk, M.; Pałka, H.
The main features of the Cloud Computing system developed at IFJ PAN are described. The project is financed from the structural resources provided by the European Commission and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Innovative Economy, National Cohesion Strategy). The system delivers a solution for carrying out computer calculations on a Private Cloud computing infrastructure. It consists of an intuitive Web based user interface, a module for the users and resources administration and the standard EC2 interface implementation. Thanks to the distributed character of the system it allows for the integration of a geographically distant federation of computer clusters within a uniform user environment.
Dostęp ograniczony
Monte Carlo simulations for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory using PL-Grid e-infrastructure
(2012) Barnacka, Anna; Bogacz, Leszek; Grudzińska, Mira; Janiak, Mateusz; Komin, Nukri; Lamanna, Giovanni; Moderski, Rafał
The paper presents Monte Carlo simulations carried out during the preparatory phase of the Cherenkov Telescope Array project. The aim of the project is to build the next generation observatory of very high energy gamma rays. During the preparatory phase there is a need to optimize and verify design concepts for various elements of the array. In this paper we describe the main components of the software being used for that purpose, their functions and requirements. Preliminary results of the optimization of the small telescope - one of the several kinds intended for the array, are presented.
Dostęp ograniczony
Using tags in an AIML-based chatterbot to improve its knowledge
(2012) Peleteiro, Ana; Rey-López, Marta; Mikic, Fernando A.; Burguillo, Juan C.
Nowadays, it is common to find on the Internet different conversational robots which interact with users simulating a natural language conversation. Among them, we can emphasize the chatterbots based on AIML language. In this paper we present an AIML based chatterbot that shows as its main contribution the use of tags and folksonomies. Thanks to its use, we can generate a context for each conversation, being able to maintain a state for each user in the system, and improving the adaptation capabilities of the bot.