Assessing the impact of expressway construction and operations on groundwater intake
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Typ zasobu:
Nr normy / patentu
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Słowa kluczowe
expressway, environmental impact, pollution migration, groundwater impactDyscyplina (2011-2018)
Klasyfikacja MKP
Expressways represent significant public investments contributing to the socio-economic development of a country. However, their construction and operations exert detrimental effects stemming from the road surface onto the adjacent groundwater environment. To mitigate these adverse environmental consequences, extant legal restrictions are factored in during the expressway design phase, accompanied by the implementation of modern technical and organizational solutions. As a pivotal legal instrument, the environmental impact assessment is mandated in the procedural framework for obtaining approval on environmental conditions during expressway construction. The precision in evaluating the negative impact of an expressway on distinct environmental elements hinges on the depth of the assessment, influencing the nature and extent of planned protective measures. In many instances, supplementary environmental risk assessments are conducted to bolster the investment process. This study aims at discerning the specific impact of expressway construction on nearby groundwater intake. To achieve this, an exhaustive assessment of contaminant migration times from the land surface to the aquifer and within the aquifer itself was executed. Subsequently, a proposal for aquifer monitoring was formulated based on the findings to enable the early detection of potential shifts in groundwater quality, facilitating timely preventive interventions.