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AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas

ISSN: 2299-4157

Data wydania
Vol. 36
No. 1
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Rocznik czasopisma
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Vol. 36 (2019)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Tylko metadane
Bezzbiornikowe magazynowanie substancji w górotworze - techniczne i prawne aspekty działalności organów nadzoru górniczego
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Król, Krzysztof; Kuśnierz, Bogdan
W artykule omówiono typy podziemnych magazynów węglowodorów płynnych: gazu oraz ropy i paliw płynnych, eksploatowanych na terenie Polski, wraz z podstawowymi danymi technicznymi. Przedstawiono w skrócie historię rozwoju podziemnego magazynowania gazu oraz ropy naftowej i paliw - benzyn oraz oleju napędowego i opałowego. Omówiono rolę organów nadzoru górniczego, jaką jest kontrola i nadzór nad przestrzeganiem przepisów w zakresie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, bezpieczeństwa pożarowego, ratownictwa górniczego, gospodarki złożem w procesie jego eksploatacji, rekultywacji gruntów i zagospodarowania terenu. Wskazano na najbardziej istotne dla bezpieczeństwa, w tym bezpieczeństwa powszechnego, zagadnienia i zagrożenia występujące przy eksploatacji podziemnych magazynów węglowodorów oraz omówiono zagadnienia prawidłowej ich eksploatacji, uwzględniając awarie zaistniałe w czasie budowy i eksploatacji magazynów węglowodorów, zatrudniania podmiotów wykonujących powierzone im czynności w ruchu zakładu górniczego, a także kwalifikacji osób dozoru ruchu.
Tylko metadane
Analytical study of the efficient operation modes of oil-gas jet pumps used in oil wells
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Dubej, Olʹga Âroslavìvna
A perspective way of oil wells operation is to use sucker rod pumps, in combination with oil-gas jet pumps. Placing a jet pump above the dynamic level in the well and operating it simultaneously with the sucker rod pumps allows to stabilize the work of the rod pump, avoid fluctuations of the dynamic level and facilitate the rise of the production liquid to the surface due to the reduction of the density of the mixed flow after the jet pump. In order to implement such oil-gas jet pump in oil wells that are operated by sucker rod pumps, it is necessary to determine their operating modes and choose the most effective among them. A methodology for calculating the operation mode of such well was created that allows determining the efficient location of jet pumps in oil wells and their geometry. When developing this methodology two conditions were taken as a main aim: the whole amount of free gas, which enters the casing annulus of the well, must pass through the oil-gas jet pump and to reach the maximum possible decreasing of the string load. For the 753-D oil well in Dolyna Oil Field calculated efficient operation mode shows the possibility to decrease string load by 26, reduce electricity consumption and, respectively, investments in oil extraction.
Tylko metadane
Implementation of the integrated hydrocarbon reservoir management system by the example of exploiting Polish Lowland's natural gas reservoirs
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Dudek, Jacek; Podsobiński, Daniel; Potera, Krzysztof; Kawecki, Bartłomiej; Paliborek, Grzegorz; Pietrzyk, Krzysztof; Wójcik, Piotr
Nowadays, because of the smaller and smaller chances of discovering new hydrocarbon deposits with abundant resources as well as significant technological advance, the proper strategy of reservoir management connected with simultaneous optimization of its production parameters is the key element in the process of development the most economically advantageous variant of reservoir management and field development. In Polish Oil and Gas Company, the project called as "Digital reservoir" based on the interactive IAM platform was initiated, thanks to which the work of all upstream segments was integrated, starting from geophysics, geology through reservoir engineering, production engineering, process engineering ending with the economic model that allows for verification of the economic efficiency of the investment. This paper presents the methodology of integration all of the above elements and the results of the IAM system implementation with further production forecasts, on the example of selected natural gas reservoirs in the Polish Lowlands being PGNiG S.A. assets.|Obecnie, ze względu na to, że zarówno szanse na odkrycie nowych złóż węglowodorów o znaczących zasobach są coraz mniejsze, jak i postęp technologiczny jest znaczący, kluczowym elementem staje się właściwa strategia zarządzania pracą złoża wraz z jednoczesną optymalizacją parametrów jego produkcji, w celu opracowania najkorzystniejszego ekonomicznie wariantu zagospodarowania złoża i pracy kopalni. W Polskim Górnictwie Naftowym i Gazownictwie S.A. zainicjowano projekt "Cyfrowe złoża" oparty na interaktywnej platformie IAM, dzięki której zintegrowana została praca wszystkich segmentów wydobywczych, począwszy od geofizyki, geologii, inżynierii złożowej, produkcji oraz inżynierii procesowej, a kończąc na modelu ekonomicznym, pozwalającym na weryfikację efektywności ekonomicznej inwestycji. W artykule zaprezentowana została metodyka integracji powyższych elementów oraz wyniki implementacji systemu IAM wraz z prognozami produkcji, na przykładzie wybranych złóż gazu ziemnego na Niżu Polskim, których operatorem jest firma PGNiG S.A.
Tylko metadane
Complex reservoir drilling fluid solutions for reservoir drilling
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Szczygieł, Andrzej
Drilling into a pay zone with a conventional fluid can introduce a host of previously undefined risks, all of which diminish reservoir connectivity with the wellbore or reduce formation permeability. This is particularly true in horizontal wells, where the pay zone can be exposed to the drilling fluid over a long interval. Selecting the most suitable fluid system for drilling into the pay zone requires an understanding of the reservoir. Using data generated by lab testing on core plugs from carefully selected pay zone cores, a reservoir-fluid-sensitivity study should be conducted to determine the morphological and mineralogical composition of the reservoir rock. Natural reservoir fluids should be analyzed to establish their chemical makeup. The degree of damage that could be caused by anticipated problems can be modeled, as the effectiveness of possible solutions for mitigating the risks. In addition to being safe and economical for the application, a Reservoir Drill-In Fluid should be compatible with the reservoir's native fluids to avoid causing precipitation of salts or emulsions production. A suitable nondamaging fluid should establish a filter cake on the face of the formation and shouldn't penetrate too far into the formation pore pattern. The fluid filtrate should inhibit or prevent swelling of reactive clay particles within the pore throats. Formation damage commonly is caused by: - Pay zone invasion and plugging by fine particles. - Formation clay swelling. - Commingling of incompatible fluids. - Movement of dislodged formation pore-filling particles. - Changes in reservoir-rock wettability. - Formation of emulsions or water blocks. Once a damage mechanism has diminished the permeability of a reservoir, it seldom is possible to restore the reservoir to its original condition.
Tylko metadane
The role of biocides and H?S scavengers in exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs and laboratory tests in the field of hydrogen sulfide scavenging
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Turkiewicz, Anna; Brzeszcz, Joanna
The article presents the problem of microbiological contamination of formation media (fluids) and discusses the role of biocides used to control and counteract harmful biogenic processes. The types of active substances used in biocidal products recommended for the oil industry are listed. The focus was also on issues related to the occurrence of hydrogen sulfide in natural gas and on the methods of elimination of this toxic compound (or decreasing its content in the gas). The article describes scavenging of hydrogen sulfide from natural gas by using liquid scavengers and the series of laboratory tests. Discussed research concerns the effect of two active substances on content of sulfur compounds in test samples, including: hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, carbon oxysulfide and dimethyl sulfide.|W artykule przedstawiono problematykę zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologicznego mediów (płynów) złożowych oraz omówiono rolę biocydów stosowanych w celu kontroli i przeciwdziałania niepożądanym procesom biogennym. Wymieniono rodzaje substancji czynnych używanych w produktach biobójczych, polecanych do stosowania w przemyśle naftowym. Skoncentrowano się także na zagadnieniach związanych z występowaniem siarkowodoru w gazie ziemnym i na sposobach eliminacji tego toksycznego związku (lub zmniejszeniu jego zawartości w gazie). W artykule scharakteryzowano działanie płynnych neutralizatorów siarkowodoru i opisano przebieg badań laboratoryjnych dotyczących wpływu dwóch substancji czynnych (typu H?S scavengers) na zmiany zawartości związków siarki w próbkach testowych, w tym: siarkowodoru, merkaptanu metylowego, tlenosiarczku węgla i siarczku dimetylowego.
Tylko metadane
Monitorowanie wpływu wybranych czynników na zużycie elementów zestawu wiertniczego i sposoby jego ograniczenia w Exalo Drilling S.A.
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Beliczyński, Rafał; Suszko, Piotr
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie szkodliwego wpływu na zestaw wiertniczy takich czynników jak korozja chemiczna, wpływ H?S oraz czynników mechanicznych. Dokładna analiza, a także studiowanie przyczyn uszkodzeń zestawu przewodu wiertniczego pozwalają na opracowanie procedur poprawiających żywotność sprzętu wiertniczego, a tym samym wskaźniki bezpiecznego wiercenia. W procesie wiercenia kolumna zestawu wiertniczego poddawana jest siłom rozciągającym, zginającym, skręcającym, ściskającym, tarcia oraz niekorzystnemu wpływowi płynów wypełniających otwór wiertniczy, zarówno tym technologicznym, jak i tym pochodzącym z górotworu. W celu przeciwdziałania potencjalnym uszkodzeniom stosowany jest sprzęt o wyższych parametrach wytrzymałościowych. Musi być on odporny na szybkie zużycie, często jest wykonany z droższych materiałów, niejednokrotnie produkowany według zaawansowanych technologii, z jednoczesnym uwzględnieniem ograniczeń techniczno-technologicznych, ekonomicznych i geologicznych. Monitorowanie wpływu zjawiska korozji, któremu poddawany jest zestaw przewodu wiertniczego, ma priorytetowe znaczenie na bezawaryjne wiercenie. W kolumnie zestawu wiertniczego umieszczane są tzw. pierścienie korozyjne. Analiza ubytku ich wagi pozwala na bieżące korygowanie składu płuczki, przez dodawanie do niej np. inhibitorów korozji.
Tylko metadane
Study of anisotropic strength properties of shale
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Zheng, Danzhu; Miska, Stefan; Ziaja, Małgorzata; Zhang, Jianguo
Shale has been known to be the source of wellbore instability during the drilling process. Organic rich shales are anisotropic due to their laminated structure and chemical properties. The goal of this study is to evaluate anisotropic mechanical properties of shale by triaxial tests, and predict shale anisotropic properties by well logging data interpretation. Shale samples were prepared with bedding plane inclination angles equal to 0 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees. Young's modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson's ratio in different directions were measured for a sample with 0 degrees bedding plane inclination angle. Parameters of the stiffness tensor were calculated by mechanical properties. Compressive strength was measured under different confining pressures of 0 psi, 500 psi, 1000 psi, and 1500 psi. The strength properties of shale samples were evaluated by both compressive strength and tensile strength. Simple Plane of Weakness and Modified Cam Clay failure criteria were applied to describe shear failure mechanisms. A scanning electron microscope method was used for the comparison of micro structures between the intact shale sample and failed sample with different bedding plane inclination angles. Well logging data was used to connect experimental lab data and field data. Compressional wave velocity was predicted with different inclination angles by stiffness parameters. The predicted compressional wave velocity for a 45-degree inclination angle showed a perfect fit with the field logging data. Steps of inverse sonic log data to stiffness parameters were shown by a flow chart. The UCS strength for 0 degrees and 45 degrees was predicted by several empirical relations using sonic logging data. The safe mud window for this special shale formation is predicted by experimental data. As shown in experimental results, our shale sample has a weak direction for both failure criteria. Well logging data and experimental data can be connected, especially by sonic log data. However, to predict shale anisotropic strength through well logging still requires more effort. The novelty of the process which connects experimental results and well logging data will be helpful for solving instability problems occurring in shale formation.
Tylko metadane
Ways of increasing natural gas storage capacity in underground gas storages in the Czech Republic
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Bujok, Petr; Klempa, Martin; Porzer, Michał; Rado, Robert; Ryba, Jakub; Kunz, Antonin; Roček, Erik
Natural gas fields are usually located far away from the end users and industrially developed countries, where the gas demand is highest. In such cases, natural gas is transported from the production site to the receiver mainly with gas pipelines. Such pipelines may transmit a definite volume of natural gas. Most of the time gas transport is stable in time, unless the demand changes, e.g. in winter or in the case of pipeline failure. In such a case the pipeline system cannot cover the increased demand and supply sufficient amounts of gas. One of the ways to solve the problem of varying demand and limited potential as far as gas transmission over long distances is concerned, are underground gas storages, thanks to which the operational gas deliveries can be regulated, i.e. it can be stored in periods of lower demand and used in the high demand situations. This safety buffer provides the stability and reliability of the entire natural gas distribution system. The methods of increasing the natural gas storage capacity of UGS were discussed in this paper with special emphasis on the primary and secondary tightness of geological structures hosting UGS. Authors also analyzed how laboratory tests conducted at VŠB-TU Ostrava can be broadened to verify the possibilities of increasing natural gas storing capacity, depending of the geological horizons and structures in which the UGS is located.
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Identifying undrained layers from mature gas reservoirs using reservoir simulation and high resolution geophysical investigations
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Tătaru, Argentina; Simescu, Ana Maria; Balázs, Sándor
While big discoveries and major new developments deservedly grab the headlines, mature fields are the backbone of gas production. Revitalizing these fields extends their productive lives and offers significant opportunity to expand worldwide reserves. Regardless of the definition, mature fields are a huge resource. With reserves categorized as proved or probable, attempts to expand reserve levels come at a relatively low risk. Revitalizing a mature field means taking measures that increase the value extracted from the field beyond original expectation. Using specialized software brings new opportunities in reservoir simulation of mature gas reservoirs. Combining these simulations with high resolution geophysical investigations, will offer a other perspective about mature gas reservoirs as well as the identification of potentially gas bearing layers which in the first place were not been identified through logging, and in addition to a eventual growth of gas resources but also gas reserves that could be exploited. Identifying the thinest gas saturated layers, determine the modification of gas resources and reserves values. The increase of volumes is a result of larger production surfaces, larger net thicknesses and also larger porosity attributed to this zones. For mature gas reservoirs this kind of approach offers new perspectives.
Tylko metadane
Analyzing and forecasting the performance of water drive gas reservoirs
(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2019) Lupu, Diana Andreea; Ştefănescu, Dan-Paul; Foidaş, Ion
The manner of estimating water drive gas reservoir recovery can vary considerably. Several mathematical models have been developed for estimating water influx in petroleum industry, but the current paper will address the application of Fetkovich aquifer model to predict the gas reservoir performance considering the pressure changes that gradually occur within the aquifer and between the aquifer and reservoir. The applicability of this model has proven to be extremely useful in estimation of initial gas resources, aquifer volume and its parameters, confirming the producing mechanism but also forecasting the production performance of the gas reservoir. The authors will highlight through some case studies, the importance of the water influx analysis and prediction, in particular for natural gas reservoirs, which subsequently allows for adequate planning in optimizing the reserves' recovery.
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