
Mapping Groundwater-Potential Zones Using Geospatial and Decision-Making Approaches: Case Study of Ghiss-Nekkour Watershed in Northeastern Morocco

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Autorzy (rel.)
Mazzourh, Abdessamad
Taher, Morad
Ouhadi, Abdellah
Dakak, Houria
Dekkaki, Hinde Cherkaoui
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Prawa: CC BY 4.0
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Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY 4.0)

Inny tytuł
Typ zasobu:
wersja wydawnicza
Nr normy / patentu
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Numer czasopisma
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
2024 - Vol. 18 - No. 6
Szczegóły wydania / pracy
Opublikowane w: Geomatics and Environmental Engineering. - Kraków: Wydawnictwa AGH. Vol. 18 No. 6, pp. 47-71
Opis fizyczny:Skala:Zasięg:
Seria:ISSN: 1898-1135e-ISSN: 2300-7095
Jednostka AGH:
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Słowa kluczowe
watershed, analytical hierarchy process, geospatial, remote sensing, Morocco
Dyscyplina (2011-2018)
Klasyfikacja MKP

Accelerated population growth has led to a heightened demand for water resources, resulting in a notable decline in underground water storage – especially in coastal areas. To effectively manage this crucial resource, the objective of this research work is to identify potential groundwater recharge areas in the Ghiss-Nekkour watershed using Saaty’s multi-criteria analysis combined with GIS and remote-sensing techniques. Initially, this work involved gathering spatial information that was related to the various parameters that govern recharge and express it in thematic maps: slope, altitude, geology, rainfall, soil, land cover, and drainage density. A reclassification was made according to their degrees of involvement in the recharge process by Saaty’s analytical hierarchy process (AHP); this was followed by a weighting of these parameters. These were subsequently integrated into a GIS in order to establish a map of potential groundwater recharge zones in the Ghiss-Nekkour watershed. The groundwater-potential map resulted in five classes: – good (165 km) and excellent (0.9 km) aquifer recharge potentials – situated in north and southwest portions of study area; – moderate (617 km) aquifer recharge potentials – located in western and southern parts of watershed; – fair (551 km) and poor (44 km) aquifer recharge potentials – located in central zone and southeastern part of Ghiss-Nekkour watershed. Field surveys that were conducted in November 2022 and October 2023 validated the obtained results.
