ALOHA – modern tool for modeling the risks associated with the spread of volatile pollutants in extraction of hydrocarbons
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Słowa kluczowe
ALOHA, environmental monitoring, the threat of hydrogen sulphide, methaneDyscyplina (2011-2018)
Klasyfikacja MKP
During the drilling works or exploitation of hydrocarbons working devices such as high-performance engines of drilling equipment and machines are often the main sources of gaseous and particulate pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. At the time of an emergency, eg. gas leakage or eruption in a short time in the atmosphere can get high concentrations of gases such as methane and hydrogen sulphide. The Ordinance of the Minister of the environment dated 29 January 2013 determines the basic criterion for risk of H2S assessment in mining companies extracting oil or natural gas, where is possibility – during the eruption of open holes or wells-flow on the surface of the liquid containing hydrogen sulphide, posing a hazard to workers, the mining plant traffic and people staying close to driving traffic mining plant. The paper presents the modelling of the spread gases in the atmosphere during the "normal" operation on drilling rigs and the gas leakage from the damaged pipeline. Was also made an attempt to mark safe points of the evacuation out in the moment of the emergency incident.