Product in Dentistry Services: Benefits Obtained by Consumer/Patient from Dental Service
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Typ zasobu:
Nr normy / patentu
Szczegóły wydania / pracy
Redaktorzy (rel.)
Promotorzy (rel.)
Recenzenci (rel.)
Słowa kluczowe
product, benefits, economics of health care, marketing in dentistry, consumer in dentistryDyscyplina (2011-2018)
Klasyfikacja MKP
Health care is a specific branch of the economy in which the principles of the free market clash with the activities of the state, however, dentistry is a part of health care in which commercial activity clearly dominates (albeit significantly regulated by legal regulations). Therefore, the competition between entities that provide dental services is significant and is relatively rarely based on the price of medical services but rather emphasizes the benefits that the patient receives by choosing a specific provider. The purpose of this study’s research was to identify the benefits and values that dental service consumers obtain based on the product that they receive. The work is based on the case study method and personal observation as part of the implementation of professional duties in 2022–2023. The purpose of dental services is to present them as an extensive product with a wide range of benefits and values that are offered to the consumer. The work also aims to give those entities that operate in this market the opportunity to use good practices and adapt them to their activities.