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- Adres wydawniczy: Kraków : Wydawnictwa AGH, 2012-2020
- e-ISSN: 2300-7052
- DOI:
- Poprzedni tytuł: Wiertnictwo Nafta Gaz (2005-2011)
- Aktualny tytuł: Journal of Geotechnology and Energy (2021-)
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Przeglądanie AGH DRILLING, OIL, GAS według autora "Bednarz, Stanisław"
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- ArtykułTylko metadaneAssessment of integrity of operating gas pipelines(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2018) Ładecki, Bogusław; Matachowski, Filip; Bednarz, StanisławGas pipelines that have been in operation for many years require supervision, taking into account the places and conditions of their usage. The currently applicable normative regulations do not fully determine the scope of the integrity control of such gas pipelines. The standards provide general guidelines for monitoring corrosion phenomena in pipelines, allowing the use of simplified strength patterns based on a flat state of stress, in actuality, real objects usually have complex three-dimensional structures. Such an approach may be a reason for committing significant errors in determining the state of stresses and strains in the construction of pipelines, which is a significant problem in assessing the integrity of pipelines (when combined with the lack of a formulation of the appropriate admission criteria). This paper presents a methodology for assessing the integrity of pipeline structures operating at ambient temperatures based on conducting comprehensive measurements of wall thickness defects (in connection with performing necessary defectoscopy tests). The results of these measurements and non-destructive tests are the basis for the analysis of stress strength and MES deformation based on the verified real geometry as well as the method of supporting the pipelines. The information obtained on this basis regarding the pipeline structure areas of the highest efforts is the basis for selecting the critical areas of pipeline construction for which they should be repaired or modernized, or a monitoring program should be developed using non-destructive tests.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępEffect of changes in operating power of gasmotocompressors 10 GKN on the diagnostic signs of connecting rod bearings defects(2013) Kopej, Bogdan Volodimirovič; Galiy, S I; Bednarz, StanisławThe increasing of gasmotocompressors (GMC) reliability, operated on the booster compressor stations, underground gas storages with significant deterioration of the park units are the actual problems. The greatest attention should be paid timely detection of conrod bearings defects for the prevention of necks crankshaft scoring. Statistics increase of late crank bearings defects shows that scheduled repairs not ensure reliable operation of GMC. Improving the reliability of GMC through the detection in time the crank bearings defects is only possible using the methods and diagnostic tools for calculating the probability of failure-free operation, equipment failure rate during its operation. Increased probability of crank bearings defects detection is possible by the determination of dependence of levels of crank bearings vibration on gasmotocompressors 10 GKN operational capacity. For efficient conducting of connecting rod vibration condition monitoring on units with different power the software was developed and methods of using the obtained models depending on the power levels of vibration were elaborated.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneFatigue failure study of fiberglass sucker rods joints(2016) Kopej, Bogdan Volodimirovič; Bednarz, Stanisław; Shuanjui, YouyFiberglass sucker rods are fiberglass rods (body) of polymeric composite materials (PCM), which are connected with steel heads. In this paper, an analysis of the fatigue strength of joints of fiberglass sucker rod under different bending stresses is performed and from this the key indicators of fatigue strength are derived. The main scope of fiberglass sucker rod is the use in aggressive environment because the plastic and glass fiber is not exposed to corrosion. Long-term strength and durability of operation – it’s the most important characteristics used in the design and operation realized in sucker rod, made of polymer composite materials (PCM). The aging of polymers and fiberglass sucker rod fracture leads to an emergency in the operation of oil wells and need to execute the workover. Based on the found contact problem solving using computers strength characteristics of the compounds were analyzed, dependence of contact pressure on the value of shear compliances of shell material, orthotropy option, size of joint were obtained.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępNowe rozwiązanie techniczne siłownika o dużym skoku w zastosowaniu do hydraulicznych wyciągów wiertniczych(2012) Bednarz, Stanisław; Teper, WojciechW światowym przemyśle naftowym stosuje się nadal głównie klasyczne układy wyciągowe linowe. Hydrauliczne układy wyciągowe występują głównie w małych mobilnych urządzeniach wiertniczych i mają utrwaloną pozycję. Natomiast w przypadku ciężkich urządzeń do wierceń naftowych i poszukiwawczych udział hydraulicznych wyciągów jest nieduży, ale systematycznie się zwiększa na rynku zdominowanym przez klasyczne linowe układy wyciągowe. W pracy opisano zasadę konstrukcji siłownika hydraulicznego o dużym skoku, który wykonano w postaci modelu laboratoryjnego pozwalającego na zademonstrowanie jego działania. Proponowana konstrukcja siłownika stwarza możliwości zwiększenia udźwigu wyciągów wiertniczych hydraulicznych w urządzeniach do poszukiwań i wydobycia surowców mineralnych. Siłownik ten może znaleźć zastosowanie we wszystkich maszynach i urządzeniach, w których potrzebne są siłowniki o dużym skoku i wysokiej obciążalności, a konieczna jest minimalizacja masy całej konstrukcji.
- ArtykułTylko metadanePrediction of pumping units reducers' resource(2014) Kopej, Bogdan Volodimirovič; Bednarz, Stanisław; Stefanišin, OksanaPeriodic monitoring of pumping units reducer vibration allow for a prediction of its full or residual resource to the next repair, which can be estimated on the basis of extrapolation methods and classification. Considering these two methods, we can say that the advantage extrapolation method has its accuracy and the possibility of adaptation to each specific gear, and the disadvantages include its complexity and the need to respect the conditions of constant change over time the vibration characteristics of the selected gear by law. In the application of classification method, which is simple, you need to process a certain amount of statistical data derived from the operation of machines, swing or perform experiments on a special stand that is relatively complex. In addition, the practice shows that the use of statistical techniques often makes accurate predictions due to the large gap modes of machines, swing and various properties of the pumped wells product, so the decision was made in solving this problem use the method of construction and extrapolation of time trend change of gear operating parameters. In Borislav CBPC the diagnostic examination of a number of reducers RN -2300 were conducted and the optimal level of vibration determined, whereby it can be concluded the qualitative repair of this type of gear. Some sensors during testing were installed on the gear housing near the output shaft. The average frequency of rotation of the input shaft gear was during vibroobservations was obtained respectively: fvh = 3.9 Hz and fvh = 3.53 Hz. Processing of the results was conducted by software MathCAD. Acceptable level of vibration that is recommended by standard GOST ISO 8579-2-2002 for gear RN -2300 is 8.3 mm / s, which can be used to determine its suitability for further exploitation. According to calculations conducted by an appropriate method the acceptable level of vibration above mentioned gear is 3.1 mm / s. These valid values are in good agreement with the experimental values and have a lower level compared to the standard recommendations. According to conducted researches the curve of resource prediction for gear of pumping unit has been plotted. Thus, the expected service life of the gear RN -2300 of pumping unit will be approximately 36-38 thousand hours.