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- Adres wydawniczy: Kraków : Wydawnictwa AGH, Stowarzyszenie Naukowe im. Stanisława Staszica, 2010-
- O czasopiśmie:
- ISSN: 1731-0830 e-ISSN: 2353-3641
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Uwaga! Zasoby czasopisma w trakcie uzupełniania w Repozytorium. Dostęp do brakujących zasobów:
New! Aktualny numer: 2024 - Vol. 21 - No. 1-2 (76-77)
Przeglądanie GEOTOURISM / GEOTURYSTYKA według daty wydania
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- ArtykułTylko metadaneZamki znad jezior Rożnowskiego i Czchowskiego jako geoturystyczne lapidaria i rola piaskowców istebniańskich w ich powstaniu(2010) Cieszkowski, Marek; Waśkowska-Oliwa, AnnaOn the Rożnów Foothils area, at the Rożnów and Czchów artificial lakes, a few usually ruined castles are located. This historical and recently monumental defensive objects emerged mainly in the Middle Ages. These Castles, are located on exposures of the Upper Cretaceous Istebna Beds. The Istebna Sandsones constitutes also natural local construction raw materials. The Istebna Beds are involved in the structure of the Silesian Nappe, one of the main Outer Carpathian tectonic units. The original walls of castles with their geological enclosing are geoturistic attractions of the Rożnów Land. They could be also a kind of lapidarium. In their walls are exposed specimens of the sandstone lithotypes typical for the Istebna Beds.
- ArtykułTylko metadanePustynie egipskie - geoturystyczna atrakcja(2010) Plit, JoannaIn Egypt we can find all the classic desert landscapes: clayey, sand, gravell deserts and rocks hammadas. Here and there occurs oasis shaded with the palms and alkali shotts, dry wadi and shifting sward dunes. Diversity of relief and geology of different types of the deserts determined the variety of hydrography, specific plant cover and vegetation of Sahara's severity of the subtropical climate. Admiration of the various kinds of deserts is possible during the trip along the range of the New Valley paralleled to the Nile River Valley. The following oasis are worth to be seen: El Charga, Mut, Balat, Dahla, El Qasr Farafra, El Heim Bahariya and Siwa.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneGeoturystyka i turystyka industrialna na tle nowoczesnych form turystyki(2010) Różycki, PawełGeotourism and industrial tourism are the newest developments of tourism industry. Recent world seeks the new offers, the new ideas of free time activities. People are used to have a choice and to look for new destinations. Monotonous, uniform schedules of standard tourism entertainments are over. Diversity brings attractiveness and makes the new products more competitive at the tough tourism market. Geotourism and industrial tourism attractions, the latter commonly related to the closure of factories, perfectly fit to diversification of the offers, so much appreciated by modern tourists.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneHow to find a gold on the touristic path - a gold-mining in the Tatra Mts.(2010) Gawęda, AleksandraGold mineralization is known in the Tatra Mts from the 15th century. The historical mining places could be indentified along the present-day touristic paths, which were used in the past as miner's roads. Both gold occurrence and genetically connected antimony mineralization are located in the flat-lying mylonitic zones, dipping 5-10 degree to NW, cutting the Tatra granite. Mylonites are mineralized by quartz and albite. The famous gold-mining galleries are known from Krywań Mt., where gold and antimonite could be found inside quartz veins straight on the touristic path until now. The important sources of gold were also the secondary fluvioglacial deposits. Gold from the Tatra Mts, regardless its origin - both primary and secondary - is of good quality, with Ag content in the range of 1.2-14.8 wt.%. Locally the veinlets of electrum are also observed. Gold in the Tatra Mts. is associated with antimonite. Its crystals are usually coated with secondary antimony oxides and hydroxides. The historical gold-mining places could be of special importance for geotouristic purposes, as they bring the information about both histories of human mining activity in the mountains and about the geological processes, forming the ores, which released the people's strongest emotions for a few thousand years.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneLas Gościbia krainą kaskad i wodospadów(2010) Waśkowska-Oliwa, Anna; Stadnik, Renata; Miśkiewicz, KrzysztofThe 'Las Gościbia' includes the northern slopes of Babica Mt. (Beskid Makowski) in the catchment area of a mountain stream called Gościbia. It is located within the Magura Nappe in the Siary Zone (Outer Carpathians). In the deeply cut valleys there is exposed continuously profile of the flysch deposits of Eocene-Oligocene age (Pasierbiec Sandstone, Zembrzyce Shale, Wątkowa Sandstone). The special value of the 'Las Gościbia' are cascades and waterfalls, which are numerous here in stream valleys. Their abundance, the heterogeneous nature and high aesthetic values determined a high educational and geotourist potential.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneGeologiczna wędrówka przez Orkady i Szetlandy(2010) Latocha, AgnieszkaThe main features of the landscape of the Orkney and the Shetland islands are presented in the article in the context of their geological and geomorphic development. The paper describes sites where rocks and landforms reflecting various stages of geological development appear at the surface. These include, among others, the oldest rocks on the European continent (remnants of the Caledonian orogen), rocks of an ancient ocean floor, granite intrusions, traces of former volcanic activity, landforms resulting from tectonics and glacial modelling. Also contemporary processes shaping the dynamic, rocky coastline are discussed, with attention paid to the influence of lithofacial variety of sediments on diversity of landforms within the cliffs and shore zone. The relationships between diversified geology, cultural and economic development of the islands and animate nature are mentioned, as well (eg., rocks used in the Neolithic buildings, oil and aggregate exploitation, nature resources and bird sanctuaries on the cliffs).
- ArtykułTylko metadaneWybrane, nowe propozycje atrakcji geoturystycznych z Dolnego Śląska(2010) Lorenc, Marek Wojciech; Mazurek, SławomirThe Lower Silesia is the region of the largest diversity of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks used for construction and decoration. These rocks are extracted in numerous quarries, which are generally inaccessiblefor tourists. Hence, the educationally important, unique or just interesting sites remain unknown and cannot be included into the educational activity. However, there is a great number of abandoned quarries, which have been densly vegetated since the closure and which were rather distant from popular tourist trails. Among them are many sites of significant historical value due to the age of exploitation or particular stones then used for construction of important historical monuments or for carving the stonework or sculpture masterpieces. The following paper presents the currently operating quarries with the reference to modern buildings in Wroclaw, in which specific stones were used. Moreover, the abandoned quarries were described, which may become tourist and geotourist attractions if properly developed and provided with relevant information.
- ArtykułTylko metadane„Euro-Mineral” i „Euro-Gem” 2010 w Sainte Marie aux Mines, Alzacja, Francja - doskonale przygotowany produkt geoturystyczny dla każdego(2010) Łodziński, MarekThe paper is a brief information about largest in Europe exhibition and fair of minerals and precious stones („Exposition-Bourse Internationale de Mineraux-Fossiles-Pierres Precieuses -Bijou''), which is held each year, in mid June, in a small town Sainte Marie aux Mines in Alsace, France. The town, located on the eastern slopes of the Vosges Mts., is a historical mining camp of silver ores. The exhibition, better known under the working names „Euro-Mineral' and 'Euro-Gem'', still continues the traditional links with attracts not only minerals and fossils collectioners, prospectors and dealers but also jewellers, scientists, travellers and common touristsfrom all over the world-all those, who are interested in minerals and rocks from the Earth and from the Space.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneNieczynny kamieniołom bazaltu w Strzegomiu - szansa na nowe otwarcie(2010) Tokarczyk-Dorociak, Katarzyna; Skolak, Krzysztof; Lorenc, Marek WojciechThe paper presents the history, current state and possible future protection, and development of the open-cast mining heritage. An example is the abandoned basalt quarry in Strzegom known under official name 'The Żółkiewka Quarry' although local community uses rather the term 'basalt quarry'. The rock is an Early Miocene alkaline basalt of K-Ar isotopic age 19.84 - 0,93 Ma. Mining operations had lasted from the XlXth century until 1986. The plans are currently prepared to adapt the quarry for local community and for tourism by development of geological thematic trail and construction of educational infrastructure.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAtrakcje geoturystyczne grupy wulkanów Kluczewskiej Sopki, północna Kamczatka, Rosja(2010) Łodziński, MarekThe paper describes the geotouristic valours of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes in the Northern Kamchatka. The relationships are presented between the Kamchatka and the recent boundaries of crustal plates, then the genesis and the structure are explained of the Koryak-Kamchatka volcanic belt. The geotectonic position of Kamchatka as a part of the 'Circumpacific Ring of Fire' enables us to recognize the manifestations of the recent volcanism (shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, lava domes, calderas, ignimbrites, lahars, gas and vapour exhalations, native sulphur encrustations). Apart from volcanic activity, the exceptional tourist value of the Northern Kamchatka is the high- mountain relief shaped by glaciers, weathering and river erosion.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneGeoróżnorodność i geoturystyka w terenach poeksploatacyjnych na przykładzie regionu chęcińsko-kieleckiego(2010) Nita, Jerzy; Myga-Piątek, UrszulaThe article discusses the matters of management of post-exploitation areas of the Chęciny-Kielce region. Changes in surface features and other elements of the natural environment, caused by mineral exploitation of resources, are usually recognized in terms of high threat and associated with landscape devastation. The author deal with the issues of necessary protection not only of the geographical environment, but also of the landscape, especially in areas where post-mining forms do not threaten the condition of the natural environment. It presents geological values and the need to protect them in order to increase the scenic values and for the purposes of geological didactics and specialist tourism.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneGeoturystyczne walory wybranych obiektów przyrody nieożywionej Litwy(2010) Labus, MałgorzataThe short characteristic of Lithuanian geology is presented, as well as the landforms which are tightly connected to the sediments. The landscape was formed thanks to glacial and fluvioglacial processes. The land is covered mainly by Quaternary sediments. The outcrops of older rocks (Devonian, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Neogeneperiods) are rather rare. Although there are no mountains on the territory of Lithuania, the geomorphology of the country is differentiated. The kinds of landscape are: morainic hills and plains, wide river valleys, as well as narrow river gullies and many of lakes. One of the most interesting places in Lithuania is the Curonian Spit placed on UNESCO's World Heritage list. It is full of sandy dunes, the highest in the Northern Europe. Moreover the Curonian Spit is famousfor the real Lithuanian treasure - amber. In the article there are also presented some more worth-seeing places, e.g.: Birżai karstarea (formed by gypsum and anhydrite rocks), Pakruojis region, well known thanks to the exploitation of Permian limestones and Devonian dolomites, and the large erratics locations.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneGeotouristic excursion to selected historical mining sites developed by Slovak and German miners in the Gelnica-Smolnik region, Slovakia(2010) Rybár, Pavol; Sasvári, Tibor; Hvizdák, Ladislav; Hvizdáková, Jana; Baláž, BartolomejThe following paper summarizes the history of Gelnica, Smolnik and Rożnava gold, silver, copper and iron orefields in Eastern Slovakia, which have been mined since the Medieval ages by of Slovak and German miners. In Gelnica, where mining operations date back to the Xth century, massive quartz-siderite- chalcopyrite veins with Fe-dolomite, pyrite and tetrahedrite (with silver) cut Lower Devonian phyllites and porphyroids. In Smolnik, where copper mining has commenced in the first half of the XIth century followed by gold, then silver and iron ore exploitation, 10-11 pyrite-chalcopyrite ore horizons are hosted in Silurian phyllites. In Rożnava mining operations for iron, silver gold and copper ores have been known since the XIth century and have lasted until 1992. Over 40 ore veins discovered in this field contain mostly siderite although quartz-siderite-sulphide paragenesis with Ag-bearing tetrahedrite was also observed. In all three mining districts there are numerous objects of mining heritage and other valuable historical monuments, reflecting the wealth of old Slovak mining towns.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneProblem niewykorzystanego potencjału dawnych kamieniołomów na przykładzie Wieżycy i Chwałkowa (Dolny Śląsk)(2010) Krawczyk, Elżbieta; Lorenc, Marek WojciechThe proper development of abandoned mine workings is the aesthetic, environmental and economic problem. Abandoned quarries are subjected to natural remediation by reconstruction of groundwater table and expansion of plants. Troubles arise when abandoned quarries become illegal landfills and when steep, commonly vertical, unprotected walls, and/or deep reservoirs may become lethal traps. However, the same, hazardous elements: walls and reservoirs can be attractions for both the local residents and the tourists. Values of abandoned quarries were appreciated and developed in the past with positive effects. The authors present examples of two quarries from the vicinity of Ślęża in Lower Silesia, which should encourage us to consider such sites as elements of local economy and to perceive their undeveloped potential.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneTorcal de Antequera - kamienne miasto w Andaluzji(2010) Janusz, Małgorzata; Lorenc, Marek WojciechThe Torcal de Antequera is one of the best-preserved karst landscapes in Europe developed in Jurassic, oolithic, brecciated and detrital limestones. The rock formation is well bedded and cut by a dense, regular fracture system. A relatively small area (20 km2) comprises four distinct geomorphological zones. At the surface visitors can recognize a variety of landforms produced by water and wind erosion whereas underground there exists a labirynth of karst forms: deep shafts, meandering galleries and huge caves. Since 1978 the Torcal de Antequera has been protected as a Natural Park and since 1989 it has become a Nature Site. The park combines a collection of remarkable geological valours and an exceptional biodiversity.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneSzlachtowski obszar eksploatacji kruszców jako element projektowanego geoparku „Pieniny”(2010) Bartuś, Tomasz; Kuś, TomaszOne of the most interesting objects of the future Pieniny geopark would be the Jarmuta and Patkowski stream adits. Traces of the mining heritage of an exploitation area of Szlachtowa ore are characterized by high scientific, historical, educational and cognitive values. The extraction of ore minerals which took place probably from XIV to XVIII century was connected with presence of polymetallic veins and hydrothermal processes around the andesite intrusions of the Eastern Polish part of the Pieniny Andesite Line (PAL). Historical mines exploited epithermal, poor gold-silver deposites. The land use within the Pieniny Geopark might contribute to reduction in tourist flows in the most popular and crowded parts of the Pieniny Mts
- ArtykułTylko metadaneWybrane modele ekoturystyki na obszarach przyrodniczo cennych w Polsce(2010) Machnik, AleksandraSustainable tourism is nowadays preferred by professional and informal groups concerned about nature protection and as well the tourist management sector. Moreover, tourists more often decide to choose ecologically orientedforms of leisure and holidays, what raises theirs demands toward tour-operators. Sustainable tourism and especially its core - ecotourism - is strongly orientatedfor both - local nature and local community. Paper contains a short review of some chosen models of developing ecotourism in protected and nature valuable areas - adapting model, sophisticated model, educational and family model. They were constructed according to the tourist attitude towards nature and heritage and also the activity of local community. Such factors like time for leisure and holidays or educational impact were also taken into consideration. However the most important was the tourist - his former experiences, level of knowledge and involvement as well as his expectations.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAtrakcje turystyczne partnerskich miast Orange (Francja) i Jarosławia (Polska)(2010) Dąbrowski, Janusz; Doktor, Marek; Szeliga-Kowalczyk, AnnaIn the article showed most interested tourist and geotouristic attractions of Orange and Provence which became presented by the French national team of the Polish delegation within the framework of the cooperation and the cultural exchange of based on partnership cities Orange (France) and Jarosław (Poland). Described also most interested tourist objects of Jarosław against the background of the characterization of the natural environment.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneThe quarry in Kozy as a geotourist attraction and the object of natural and cultural heritage in the context of sustainable development(2011) Badera, Jarosław; Rahmonov, Ojmahmad; Parusel, TomaszThe paper presents scientific-educational and sport-recreational values of an abandoned quarry of the Carpathian sandstones in Kozy (Bielsko-Biała region), paying special attention to possibilities of its wide-defined touristic reclamation in accordance with rules of the sustainable development.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneThe Ngorongoro Crater as the biggest geotouristic attraction of the Gregory Rift (Northern Tanzania, Africa) - geotouristic valorization, touristic development and hazard(2011) Żaba, Jerzy; Gaidzik, KrzysztofThe Ngorongoro Crater, as the largest unflooded and not destroyed volcanic caldera on Earth, is one of the major geotouristic attractions of East Africa. Unique on the global scale richness of wildlife, exotic cultures of indigenous people and specific position of the Crater within the East African Rift System, each year attracts thousands of tourists eager for an unforgetable experience. Their number continues to growfrom year to year, reaching the value of nearly half a million visitors within the last few years. Constantly developing tourism industry, besides many advantages, also causes a number of risks, both for the world of living nature and inanimate nature objects, as well as for the local population. In 1959, recognizing the unique and special touristic and geoeducative values of this location, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) was established. Almost twenty years later, in 1978, the area was included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. Furthermore, within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area as well as in its immediate neighborhood there are many objects that also deserve to be called geotouristic attractions, such as: Olduvai Gorge, Crater Olmoti, Crater Empakai and Oldoinyo Lengai volcano. In a relatively short distance from the Crater also the highest mountain in Africa - the Kilimanjaro volcano and the biggest active volcano of this continent, Meru, are located.