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- ArtykułOtwarty dostępThe first palynological data of the Middle Jurassic deposits from borehole 16, Elektrougli (Moscow region, Russia) : abstract(2012) Rostovceva, Ûliâ IgorevnaThe palynological analysis of the Middle Jurassic deposits has been carried out for the borehole No. 16 and No. 5 located in Elektrougli west of Moscow region (Russia). Twenty samples have been macerated from clays of these two boreholes. Only one of them contained palynomorphs (spores and pollen) in sufficient amount. As a result the single palynological assemblage was established. Pollen grains are abundant (over 55% of the total of the assemblage). The grains of Alisporites similis (Balme) Dettmann, and A lowoodensis de Jersey dominates among the pollen reaching to 22% of the assemblage. It should be noted that a lot of different coniferous pollen grains from ancient deposits were found here, as such as: A. parvus de Jersey, A. robustus Nilsson and Pseudopinus textilis Bolchovitina. There were also the pollen grains of Cycadopites sp. (6%), and Sciadopityspollenites mesozoicus Couper (4%). A few pollen of Vitreisporites pallidus (Reissinger) Nilsson with affinity to Caytoniales, Perinopollenites elatoides Couper and Ephedripites sp. were rarely discovered. There are a lot of spores (45%) in the studied palynoassemblage. Spores of Filicopsida (12%) are represented by Dictyophyllidites harrisii Couper, Leiotriletes magna (de Jersey) Norris, Deltoidospora juncta (Kara-Murza) Singh with affinity to the genera Dicksonia, and Matoniasporites related to Matoniaceae. There are a few spores (10%) of Cyatheaceae (Cyathidites minor Couper). The spores of hydrophilic ferns are represented by Osmundacidites jurassicus Couper, Baculatisporites comaumensis (Cookson) Potonie, and Todisporites minor Couper. There are various lycopods (5%): Uvaesporites verrucosus (de Jersey) Helby in de Jersey, Densoisporites velatus Weyland & Krieger, Lycopodiumsporites clavatoides Couper, Lycopodiumsporites subrotundum (Kara-Murza) Pocock and moss spores of Polycingulatisporites crenulatus Playford & Dettmann (2%) which are typical for the Bajocian deposits. There are very common the tuberculous forms such as Leptolepidites sp. and Camptotriletes cerebramiformis Maljavkina. The acritarchs are represented by Leiosphaeridia sp. This assemblage can be compare with palynological assemblage of the Bajocian age from Denmark (Nielsen et al. 2010) by comparable quantity of Cyatheaceae and presence of Caytoniales pollen. Thus studied palynological assemblage has the Bajocian age documented by presence of Polycingulatisporites crenulatus, Alisporites similis, A. lowoodensis and also ancient forms of A. parvus, A. robustus, Uvaesporites verrucosus, Baculatisporites comaumensis which are typical for the Aalenian Age. The quantity of lycopods, moss and ferns of Osmundaceae indicates the lake-mire continental conditions of the studied region.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępOrganic matter associated with Zn-Pb ores from the Silesian-Cracow region, Poland : abstract(2012) Rybicki, MaciejThe Silesian-Cracow lead and zinc deposits are occurring mainly within the so-called ore-bearing dolomites of the Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk) and by the most authors are classified as Mississippi Valley-type deposits (Sass-Gustkiewicz et al. 1982, Wodzicki 1987, Leach et al. 2001, 2010). Coaly accumulations within the Zn-Pb deposits of the Silesian-Cracow region such as so-called dopplerite - a black, amorphous organic matter (OM) macroscopically resembling gelificated detrital lignite (see Sass-Gustkiewicz & Kwiecińska 1994, Kwiecińska et al. 1997), brown and matte-blacke intercalations in the clayey rocks of the internal sediment type (Sass-Gustkiewicz 1996) and organic matter present in inclusions of the sulfide minerals (Karwowski et al. 1979, 2001, Kozlowski 1995) are well known, but the problem of their origin is the subject of numerous discussions and to present day has not been clearly resolved. There is an agreement among investigators that the above-mentioned OM has an allochtonous origin, but the controversy raises the question of the potential source of OM and its age (Kołcon & Wagner 1983, Sass-Gustkiewicz & Kwiecińska 1999, Karwowski et al. 2001). Preliminary tests using gas chromatography coupled with mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) and total organic carbon (TOC) measurements were carried out. First results show that studied samples (dopplerites, internal sediments and sphalerites) from various locations of the Silesian-Cracow Zn-Pb ore districts are organic matter-rich rocks/minerals. Dopplerite OM content varies from 35% to over 50% TOC, internal sediments contain up to 14% TOC, while sphalerites usually have 0.1-0.2% TOC (although there are some samples with over 1% TOC). The contents of total sulfur (TS) are highly variable and depend on the degree of sulfides mineralization. For dopplerites, TS is in the range of 2-8%, while the internal sediments usually containing more sulfur (5-20% TS) because of their association with the ore minerals. The study of coaly matter extracts from the various localities of the Silesia-Cracow Zn-Pb ore districts using GC-MS revealed its immature nature. Although hopanes distribution differs quite considerably between samples, all of them contain hop-13 (18)-ens, hop-17 (21)-ens and 17ß, 21ß (H)-hopans compounds typical for an immature OM, unstable in temperature exceeded 50-60°C (Karwowski et al. 2001). It is interesting, that the pilot investigations of OM using pyrolysis and off-line derivatization showed only the presence of small amounts of fatty acids, which did not confirm the proposed origin of these organic accumulations, according to which they were precipitated with humic acids due to the presence of Ca ions (Sass-Gustkiewicz & Kwiecinska 1999).
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępCorrelation and comparison of Jurassic deposits in Republics of Belarus and Lithuania, and Russian Federation in transboundary region(2012) Makhnach, Vladimir V.Correlation and comparison of the Jurassic deposits of Republic of Belarus, Republic of Lithuania and Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation transboundary region is an important time milepost in studying of a paleogeographical situation of the western part of the East European Platform. The geologist Ullman began to study Jurassic deposits of the Republic of Lithuania in 1830s (Grigyalis 1958). He investigated river Venta in the town of Papilany. For the first time, geologist A.E. Gedroyts conducted research of the Jurassic deposits in the territory of Belarus. He found erratic boulders in the Białowieża forest at the beginning 1880s (Mityanina 1982). Correlations of the Jurassic deposits were repeatedly undertaken in this region. In 1922, N.F. Bliodukho discussed the similarity between 'Western' and 'Russian' Jurassic on basis of the mollusk analogies. The second attempt was made within the project of UNESCO No. 86 of the International program of geological correlation The East European Platform (southwest region) only in 1985. Correlations were carried out within the project 'Peritetis'. The newest research of the Jurassic deposits of Belarus revealed the series of paleogeographical and sedimentological features (Makhnach 2011). This research revealed, a glacial exaration of the Jurassic deposits from Grodno (Republic of Belarus), Druskininkay and Premay (Republic of Lithuania) as a distinctive feature of the Lithuanian-Polish Monocline. The considered transboundary region includes (from the North to the South) following tectonic structures: Baltic Syneclise, western slope of the Latvian Saddle, Mazursko-Belorusskaja Anteclise and Podlyassko-Brestsky Hollow. Desrciptions and paleontological material from stratigraphic wells, which encountered Jurassic deposits were used as a research material. Data from following wells were used: stratigraphic wells Gvardeyskaja-57 and Bely Yar-1 for the Kaliningrad region, Yoty's stratigraphic well for the Republic of Lithuania, stratigraphic wells Vysokoe-77 and Brest-52 for the territory of Belarus. The correlation of regional data and comparison of paleogeographical events showed that the most complete section of the Jurassic deposits for this area is located in the territory of the Kaliningrad region - a stratigraphic well Gvardeyskaja 57. For the territory of Belarus, the most complete section of Oxfordian is presented in the stratigraphic well Vysokoe-77, and Callovian deposits are best represented in the stratigraphic well Brest-52. Paleogeographical reconstruction shows that the sea was absent in the territory of Belarus, but the plentiful river network drained the Polesye Saddle through the Svislochsky snap in Early Callovian. Lowland with wetlands existed in Early Callovian during the beginning of transgression in the transboundary region of Lithuania, Belarus and the Kaliningrad region. The maximum transgression from the Polish Sea occurred during the Kosmo-ceras jason time (Middle Callovian). At this time, connection through the Pripyat Passage and through the southern passage systems with the Central Russian Sea was established. The second maximum transgression in this region happened during the Quenstedtoceras maria time (Early Oxfordian), and the communication with the Central Russian Sea was reestablished in the period of Cardioceras cordatum (Early Oxfordian). Completeness of Middle and Upper Oxfordian cuts from the territory of Belarus isn't clear and requires further paleontological research. Lithological differences and time of sediment accumulation reveal different sedimentation conditions. This fact indicates various movement directions of tectonic structures. It should be noted that unidirectional movements (immersion) effected all tectonic structures during the maximum sea transgressions. Differences in regions, where Jurassic sediments were deposited, were also studied. In the second half of Late Callovian, the Podlyassko-Brestsky Hollow underwent immersion and a flexure towards the Stryysky Deflection while Mazursko-Belorussky Anteclise was under conditions of tectonic rest. During Cardioceras cordatum time (Early Oxfordian), the submerging of Pripyat passage northern part was amplified. Most likely, the Polish Sea started to recede from the major part of the territory of Belarus during Middle Oxfordian, marking a new land stage of the territory. The buckling of the Latvian Saddle towards the Baltic Syneclise was observed within the territory of Lithuania. Paleontological data are also interesting. Existence of coral reeves in the territory of Lithuania (Grigyalis 1958) testifies the prevalence of northwest currents from Peritetis areas, and also does not reject the hypothesis about the Northern (Baltiyskii) Passage connecting the Polish and Central Russian seas. Biota features indicate the existence of benthonic currents in Late Callovian and difficult fauna exchange between Lithuanian and Belarusian regions.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępPetrophysics of rotliegend sandstones for unconventional tight gas exploration - case study of Polish Permian Basin(2012) Nosal, JustynaTight gas is one of the unconventional gas accumulations. In tight reservoir, natural gas is trapped in impermeable sedimentary rock. Industry defines tight gas reservoir as a maximum 10% matrix porosity and maximum 0.1 mD permeability (excluding fracture permeability) sedimentary rock (Haines 2006). Gas is trapped by low permeability of the reservoir. Down-dip water contact and reservoir trap do not appear. Tight reservoir rock should be characterized by poor reservoir properties - low porosities, extremely low permeability and also small flow rates (Law 2002). Tight gas accumulations are expected to originate in deeper parts of Polish Permian Basin within Rotliegend sandstones (Kiersnowski et al. 2010). Depth of burial associated with time could allow occurrence of advanced diagenetic processes amending primary porosity. Area of research is located in the center of Polish Permian Basin - western Poland. It is a natural gas field Pxyz, where hydrocarbons are accumulated within aeolian Rotliegend sandstones characterized by low reservoir properties. Core samples from well Pxyz-2 from depth interval 3511.5-3626.0 m were selected for investigation. The porosimetric analysis (AutoPore 9220 mercury porosimeter) of 115 samples granulometric analysis of 20 samples (sieve measurements and SediGraph 5100 device) were performed in Polish Oil and Gas Company. Borehole survey revealed gas saturation in whole 172 m sandstone profile. Obtained results allowed quantitative characteristics of samples, both grain size and pore space. Average diameter of sand grain was in the range from 0.171 mm to 0.643 mm. Based on the above results, studied sandstones were classified as fine, medium and coarsegrained (Pettijohn et al. 1972). Porosimetric studies showed poor reservoir quality of sandstones. Weak filtration of samples was proved by low values of average capillary diameter and insufficient 45% percentage of pores with diameter greater than 1 jj.m. Average porosity samples is 7.575%, wherein samples from the upper part of sandstone complex have lower porosity values than those from the base. Total pore area ranged from 0.01 m /g to 2.73 m /g in whole profile. Research showed no total porosity and total pore area dependence on burial depth. It is connected with the domination of mechanical compaction in sandstones (Such et al. 2010). Changes in porosity and total pore volume showed the vertical variation in sandstones. Based on these results, zones predisposed to tight gas accumulations were distinguished. Granulometric and porosimetic studies performed on Rotliegend samples from the area of Pxyz deposit allowed better understanding of deep buried sandstones petrophysics. Parameters received from analysis confirmed possibility of tight gas accumulations in Rotliegend sandstones in the area of Pxyz gas field.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępHalloysite-based material with improved cation sorption properties(2012) Wścisło, Anna; Matusik, JakubHalloysite is 1:1 layered, dioctahedral phyllosilicate. It belongs to kaolinite subgroup of kaolinite-serpentine group. Halloysite is often defined as a hydrated phase of kaolinite. Two types of this mineral are distinguished: hydrated 10 Å-halloysite, with water molecules in the interlayer space and dehydrated 7 Å-halloysite. Widely conducted research on modified kaolin group minerals, either intercalates or grafted compounds with selected organic molecules opened many possibilities for using this layered aluminosilicate in industry and environmental protection. One of the possible applications is the sorption of heavy metals. For the raw halloysite the sorption exclusively takes place on the particles surface. The interlayer space of the mineral is not accessible for cations. Thus the research goal was to provide the access of cations to the interlayer using organic modifications with selected aminoalcohols (Letaief & Detellier 2007). Moreover, the sorption properties of the new material towards selected cations were examined. Dehydrated type of halloysite from Polish deposit Dunino located near Legnica, which is still exploited was used for the experiments. Halloysite-dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) complex was used as a precursor. For this purpose 12.5 g of halloysite was reacted with a solution containing 90 mL of DMSO and 10 mL of H2O at room temperature for 7 days. Afterwards the sample was centrifuged and dried at 65o C for 24 h (HDMSO sample). In the next step, the HDMSO was reacted with diethanolamine (DEOA) or triethanolamine (TEOA) at 180o C under argon for 24 h. Finally, it was washed with isopropanol (HTEOA-I sample) and subsequently with water (HTEOA-W sample). The samples were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and CHNS elemental analysis. The XRD diffraction patterns of HDMSO with d001=11.3 Å confirmed the intercalation of halloysite with DMSO. The d001 peaks for the HTEOA-I and HTEOA-W samples were found at 11.3 Å and 10.8 Å, respectively. In turn, the d001 peaks for the HDEOA-I and HDEOA-W were found at 11.3 Å and 10.3 Å, respectively. The d001 decrease after water
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępGroundwater table fluctuations in the direct catchment of Goczałkowice reservoir - results of quantitative monitoring abstract(2012) Czekaj, Joanna; Kozioł, KlaudiaImplementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) drew more attention to a problem of water quality and depended ecosystems. The strategic research project Integrated system supporting management and protection of dammed reservoir (ZiZoZap) which is being recently realized for Goczałkowice reservoir fulfils the mention problem. One of the important tasks of the ZiZOZap project is assessment of the groundwater-surface water interaction from both qualitative and quantitative point of view. For solving of these problems the large scale groundwater monitoring network (55 private well and 22, mainly nested, monitoring wells) has been organized within the area of direct catchment of Goczałkowice reservoir (southern Poland). Main task of quantitative monitoring is: to identify hydrogeological conditions of the upper Quaternary aquifer in the research area, to evaluate of groundwater reaction on outer impact of such factors as precipitation and surface water level in dammed reservoir,thus, the groundwater-surface water interaction. Groundwater table level monitoring has been carrying on since May 2011 with monthly frequency. Since July 2012 constant monitoring of groundwater level and temperature has been carrying on. Five data loggers (divers) with integrated pressure probe were installed in selected monitoring wells. Four divers have been installed in nested monitoring wells situated along the groundwater pathway at southern experimental site called Zarzecze Pumping Station. Installed divers conveniently and automatically collect groundwater level and temperature data every hour. Till the end of December 2012 the data base contained over 20,000 records. Long-term research shows large diversity of groundwater fluctuation in monitoring points. Maximum amplitude of groundwater fluctuation comes to 2.5 m in the northern side of the catchment. Groundwater fluctuations are lower in direct proximity of reservoir.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępInversion of seismic tomography data by Metropolis and simulated annealing algorithm : abstract(2012) Dwornik, MaciejInversion of seismic tomography is non-uniqueness and bad-conditioned problem. Reconstruction of velocity field is a process of minimization error function between estimated and received travel times. Classical, deterministic method, like matrix decomposition or conjugate gradient, is known for finish calculation in local minimums. Other problems with deterministic methods were application of constraints to the solution. Stochastic algorithms are methods that can be helpful in solving inverse problem in seismic tomography. This paper presents application of the following two stochastic algorithms to reconstruct velocity field: Metropolis algorithm (MA) and simulated algorithm (SA). The Metropolis algorithm is an iterative method and it was first described by Metropolis et al. (1953). This method uses Boltzmann distribution to calculate probability of replacing current solution by worse one, which is modification of current. Level of acceptance is given by value of a temperature. The simulated annealing was first described by Kirkpatrick et al. (1983) and it is a modification of Metropolis algorithm. This algorithm decreased temperature during iterative process. Both algorithms were modified by adding two dimensional median filtration in a place of modification of current velocity field. This filtration was applied with some small probability. Estimation of travel times of primary seismic waves was performed using two ray-based methods: a straight line and a shortest path method (Moser 1991, Pięta & Dwornik 2009). The first method was very fast but nonrealistic in heterogeneous geological medium. The second method had over one hundred times longer calculation time, but provided real ray trajectories. The algorithms were tested in series by ten independent numerical simulations for each parameter of configuration to minimize random effects of stochastic methods. Both algorithms were initialized in two ways: by random velocity fields and by velocity field obtained by SIRT algorithm (Lo & Inderwiesen 1994). Application of median filtration and initializing by SIRT solution decreased calculation time and improved quality of inversion.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępNew localities of the fossil woods in the Upper Neogene deposits of the Taman' Peninsula (Russia) abstract(2012) Anikeeva, Ekaterina VNew collection of the Late Neogene woods from three localities was gathered during the geological field-trip in the Taman' Peninsula during the last summer period. The first locality is situated in the north coast of the Taman' Peninsula, close to the town of Taman. The deposits are represented by the thick clay layer of the Meotian regional stage. There was found single low-petrified trunk of the wood, which was located vertically to enclosing rocks. Petrified wood from the locality of the north coast is related to Angiosperms, due to the vessels discovered in the thin section during the investigation using scanning electron microscope (SEM) CAMSCAN. The second locality is situated on the south coast of Taman Peninsula, 2.5 km eastward the Gelezny Rog cape. There the monotonous clay layer has been intercalated by argillites. The age of the rocks has been determined to Pontian time interval. Low-petrified wood trunks of the conifers were vertically oriented in the layer. Third locality is situated near the Gelezny Rog cape. In the ferruginous sandstones of the Cimmerian regional stage, the coniferous fossil woods have been found. Two methods has been applied during the study of the wood remains - using standard SEM and microsections study. Volumetric anatomical structures of radial and tangential sections of the wood can be observed in SEM, but it is very difficult to install the cross wood section for SEM. There are six coniferous wood remains from two last localities, which were studied by using SEM. The preliminary fossil wood data from three new localities point to the presence of conifers such as Taxodioxylon and some of Angiosperms.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępThe using possibility of clay-rich overburden rocks from selected Polish deposits : abstract(2012) Bożęcki, Piotr; Rzepa, GrzegorzThe objective of this work was an assessment of the possibility of utilization of selected clay-rich overburden rocks from selected rock raw material found in Polish deposits. For this purpose samples from 12 deposits in five different provinces of southern Poland (Małopolskie, Śląskie, Podkarpackie, Dolnośląskie and Świętokrzyskie) have been collected. Exploited mineral deposits from which samples have been taken belong to wide range of materials. They are for example dolomite (Rędziny), magnesite (Braszowice), limestone (Czatkowice and Morawica), rhyodacites (Zalas), clay materials for construction of ceramics (Harasiuki, Wala Rzedzińska, Kraniec, Wręczyca) and mineral aggregates like sand (Bielany at Sole and Wola Batorska). Main field of feasibility of using samples were components of waterproofing layers. Part of the samples was also tested for the possibility of their use in land reclamation. Mineral and chemical composition of the samples was analysed, using XRD and ICP-OAS methods, respectively. Grain size distribution was performed by using sieve analysis and by a laser particle size analyser. Exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity were also estimated based on the concentration of displaced ions (such as Ba2+, Fe2+, Sr2+, Al3+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Li+) by ammonium cation (from the 1 M ammonium acetate solution) and indicated cations. Results of this study show that none of the tested samples met all the requirements for components of hydro-isolation layer, and therefore they cannot be used for this purpose. In most cases this is an effect of unfavourable mineral composition (to high percentage of non-clay minerals) and/or chemical composition. Usually the amount of examined exchangeable cations was also incorrect. The applicability results for land reclamation showed a very large variation. Part of the samples has acquired the highest A class. However, some samples were also found to be characterized by the worst D class of reclamation utility.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępMetavolcanics of Nordenskiöld Land from SW Svalbard as an example of new ocean crust : abstract(2012) Gołuchowska, Karolina; Barker, Abigail; Manecki, Maciej; Majka, Jarosław; Czerny, JerzyThis study concerns late Neoproterozoic metavolcanics from southwestern Svalbard in an investigation to trace the evolution of oceans plate rifting. A number of outcrops of these rocks are connected with the regional Torellian unconformity, which is associated with a Late Neoproterozoic orogenesis event - post 640 Ma. This unconformity divides the younger metasediments of the Sofiebogen Group from older metasedimentary sequence of the Deilegga Group. Samples have been collected from Nordenskiöld Land belonging to the Sofiebogen Group, which is situated between Bellsund and Isfjorden, to the north of Wedel Jarlsberg Land. Field observation reveals that these metavolcanics very often occur as a pillow lavas and lavas. They contain mineral assemblages typical for greenschist facies metamorphism such as: actinolite, chlorite, epidote, albite, but some of them contain garnets and glaucophane, which is typical for blueschist facies conditions. Based on a total alkali silica diagram they are classified as tholeitic basalts. Spider diagram shows patterns similar to MORB, where the REE are flat. The LILE except Sr are depleted, but this depletion is caused probably by metamorphism. However, the metavolcanics of Nordenskiöld Land are also relative depleted in HFSE (Th/Yb = 0.2-0.31 and Nb/Yb = 2.9-4.4) and LREE (Lan/Smn = 1.0-1.5). Trace elements like Nd, Th, Yb and La show trends that could be associated with fractional crystallization. The geochemical character of metavolcanics from Nordenskiold Land, as well as, their forms (pillow lavas) suggests that they created beneath the sea level, as new ocean crust.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępInfluence of sampling method on uncertainty associated with bromide determination in surface and coalmine water monitoring : abstract(2012) Drzymała, MałgorzataIn compliance with European Union present legal state (Directive 2000, 2006, 2009) surface and ground water quality monitoring should also include identification of each source of uncertainty associated with analytical procedure. Moreover, directives (Directive 2009, RMŚ 2011) indicate necessity of implementation the quality assurance and quality control program (QA/QC) of research in water monitoring. They give the measurement uncertainty threshold value as well, which is assessed basing on adequate norms of environment quality and it's equal to 50% or less (k = 2). In this paper the empirical approach for total uncertainty and its components (geochemical, sampling and analytical) assessment was used (Witczak et al. 2006, Nordtest 2007, Kmiecik 2011, Drzymała 2012). In such approach, according to Ramsey et al. (1992), the percentage contribution of measurement variance in total variance cannot exceed 20%. Otherwise, the interpretation of hydrogeochemical data cannot be performed correctly. Moreover, the influence of sampling method on the measurement uncertainty was examined. For uncertainty estimation there were used results from analyses of normal and control (duplicate) samples, which were collected within monitoring of Upper Odra River Basin surface water and coalmine water inducted to it. The assessment of total uncertainty and its components was shown on the example of Br- results delivered from normal and duplicate samples analyses. The influence of container type on measurement uncertainty was determined. For this aim two procedures of samples collecting were used, concerning two types of samples containers: polyethylene containers and dark glass containers. The bromide analyses were performed using ICP-MS method in accredited Hydrogeochemical Laboratory. Each sample was analysed twice. For total uncertainty and its components assessment the ROBAN program with rANOVA technique was applied. Basing on delivered results it was stated, that in the two groups of bromide results in samples collected neither into polyethylene containers nor to dark glass containers, the measurement variance doesn't exceed the threshold value of 20% of total variance and is equal to 0.08% and 0.02% respectively. In both cases, for two types of containers, also relative uncertainty of measurement doesn't exceed the threshold value of 50% and is equal to 5.39% and 3.05% respectively. However, the difference between values of relative uncertainty of measurement is significant and indicates the necessity of collecting samples for bromide determination into dark glass containers if possible.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępThe results of multistage liming and lacustrine chalk application in AMD water reservoir in the Muskau Arch near Łęknica, W Poland : abstract(2012) Rzepka, Przemysław; Bożęcki, Piotr; Manecki, Maciej; Rzepa, Grzegorz; Bajda, TomaszThe Muskau Arc is a 40 km long moraine belt bent into a horseshoe-like shape pushed by the Mid Polish Glaciation, located in west Poland. Pyrite-bearing Neogene lignite deposits were mined there until the 1980s. The abandoned open pits filled with groundwater are forming a set of reservoirs called 'Anthropogenic Lake District'. It consists of more than 100 reservoirs on the total area of more than 1500 square kilometers. Oxidation process of iron sulfide-containing lignite left in mining pits or deposited in dumps, exposed to atmospheric oxygen and water results in formation of acidic waters and precipitation of ochreous sediments. The water is characterized by high Fe and SO42- content. This chemical association with low pH waters is causing the main environmental waste problem in this region, which is typical for most Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) areas. The main goal of conducted experiment has been to examine the abilities of acid mine water remediation on the example of Muskau Arch lake named Africa. The chemical neutralization of acidic pH and removal of high salinity by precipitation was made by various substances application. The objective of this study was comparison of the potential effects of this treatments applied in several steps. Africa is one of the largest and deepest reservoirs of Muskau Arch. This meromictic lake has constant vertical stratification characterized by diversity of physicochemical parameters and content of major ions. Water contained in the mixolimnion at the top (down to about 10 m depth from surface) is well mixed by air currents and saturated with oxygen. It has lower pH (pH = 2.75) and lower ion concentrations (the average TDS amounts to 2000 mg/L) than the bottom layer. Monimolimnion in the bottom part (below 10 m from the surface) is anoxic, poor in oxygen, with higher pH (pH = 4.75) and salinity (TDS up to 6000 mg/L). Water in both layers is not mixing due to significant density difference preserving the geochemical stratification. In the set of laboratory experiments samples of waters from both layers were mixed with different doses of lime and lacustrine chalk. The application was carried out over half a year in several steps, because of the ability of this water to acidify itself. In all cases, especially in second stage, the treatments lead to rapid increase of pH and to precipitation of different secondary phases, mostly gypsum and iron hydroxides (ferrihydride, goethite and rare green rust). This results in removal of ferric and ferrous ions and reduction of sulfates content by close to 80%. However effects was varying and depends on kind of treatment, layers, which have different acid neutralizing capacity, and step of dosing. pH of upper layer is lifted to about neutral value (7-8) by chalk dosing or slightly basic (9) in the case of liming. These treatments are successful already in first step application. Hydrogen ion releasing in iron hydroxides precipitation process in bottom layer, due to occurring specific pH-Eh conditions, restrains neutralization effectiveness. Therefore next application steps are necessary to reach neutral pH (6-7) after chalk treatment or even alkaline (11-12) by liming.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępGeochemical mapping in the area of L’ubietová, Slovak Republic : abstract(2012) Giera, AlicjaL’ubietová is a village in the Banska Bystrica Region in the Slovak Republic. There is an old mining spot in its vicinity, where copper was extracted from the Bronze Age to the 19th century. Currently, the region is interesting by mineral collectors due to a p that can be found there, called libethenite. According to the literature (Kod?ra 1990, Ďud'a & Pauliš 2002) there are two areas of copper mineralization near L’ubietová, which differ in the occurrence of copper compounds formed with arsenic and phosphorus. The first deposit (Podlipa) is mainly known for its secondary-mineral paragenesis of copper phosphates, especially libethenite and pseudomalachite. On the second, (the Svätodušná deposit) diverse paragenesis of secondary arsenic minerals developed. The most characteristic of these arsenians are olivenite, euchroite and pharmaco siderite. Many scientific works concern the L’ubietová region (Andráš et al. 2009, Rusko et al. 2009), however none of them has yet paid attention to the differentiation and the lateral distribution of copper-phosphorus and copper-arsenic mineralization and to the description of primary and secondary causes of the differentiation and the distribution. The aim of this study was to determine these phenomena and to optimise future analytical procedures, which would allow the local copper mineralization to be examined thoroughly. The project was based on the assumption that surface geochemical mapping will help to establish the range of copper mineralization in two areas distinct from each other if regard to the copper compounds. In order to draw up appropriate methodology, it was necessary to conduct research that included terrain inspection, preliminary sampling and analysis of soil specimens and dump-field material in regard to the content of copper, phosphorus and arsenic. The field study was based on extracting three soil specimens and two dump-field material samples along the profile line. Their chemical composition was later analysed by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and their mineral composition was determined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The preliminary examination confirmed the existence of lateral differentiation of copper mineralization, which was proved by establishing the differentiation of samples' content of copper, phosphorus and arsenic along the profile line.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępPalynostratigraphy of the Upper Visean deposits from the Mstikhino quarry of the Kaluga region, Russia abstract(2012) Mamontov, Dmitrij Arkad'evič; Orlova, Ol'ga AleksandrovnaThe Mstikhino quarry is located 8 km to the north-west of the Kaluga town in the south wing of Moscow syneclise. Twelve palynological samples from the Upper Visean deposits have been collected. Updated technique of the palynological preparation was employed using hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids to dissolve silicates and carbonates. Then the ultrasonic effect and sifting were applied for the samples. The abundant and well-preserved miospores were obtained from the bluish-grey clays of the lower part of the second quarry bank (layer No. 12). One palynoassemblage MS-6 was established. 61 species were recognized. The palynoassemblage is generally composed of the significant miospore species of the Triquitrites comptus - Cingulizonates bialatus distinctus (CBd) Zone of the Aleksinian regional stage: Lycospora pusilla (Ibrahim) Somers (60%), Schulzospora campyloptera (Waltz) Hoffmeister, Staplin et Malloy (8%), S. conforma (Kedo et Jushko) N. Umnova (4%), Cingulizonates bialatus (Waltz) Smith et Butterworth (5%), Tripartites vetustus Schemel (3%), and Triquitrites comptus Wilson (3%). It is so unusual to find high diversity of the scarce species such as Auroraspora granulata (Kedo) Oshurkova, A. micromanifesta (Hacqubard) Richardson, A. rugosiuscula (Kedo) Byvscheva, A. granulatipunctata (Hoffmeister, Staplin et Malloy) Turnau, Leiotriletes inermis (Waltz) Ischenko, L. suintortus (Waltz) Ischenko, Leiotriletes ornatus Ischenko, L. gulaferus Potonie et Kremp, Trachytriletes commodus Ischenko, T. subintortus Ischenko, Cyclogranisporites punctulatus (Waltz) Luber, C. aureus (Loose) Potonie et Kremp, Granulatisporites granulatus Ibrahim, G. granosus (Ischenko) Oshurkova, G. microgranifer Ibrahim, G. minutus Potonie et Kremp, G. pennatus (Kedo) Mamontov comb, nov, Procoronaspora rara (Palyford) Oshurkova, Iugisporis subintortus (Kedo) Mamontov comb, nov., /. pennatus (Ischenko) Oshurkova, Raistrikia macrura (Luber) Luber, R. clavata Hacquebard, Reticulatisporites cancellatus (Waltz) Playford, Convolutispora jugosa Smith et Butterworth, C. ampla Hoffmeister, Staplin et Malloy, Tripartites incisotrilobus (Naumova) Potonie et Kremp, Triquitrites trivalvis (Waltz) Potonie et Kremp, Diatomozonotriletes trilinearis Playford, Vallatisporites dictyopterus (Waltz) Byvscheva et N. Umnova in the palynoassemblage. An additional point to emphasize is that the association of rare species is not similar to those from the adjacent sections of the Kaluga Region. According to occurrence of the significant species of CBd Zone the age of the studied palynoassemblage is assigned to the Aleksinian age. The results well correspond with the data of previous palynological research. Besides the palynoassemblage MS-6 is compared to the palynoassemblages of Tripartites vetustus - Rotaspora fracta (VF) Zone of Western Europe by the cooccurrence of significant miospores of Tripartites vetustus, Triquitrites marginatus Hoffmeister, Staplin et Malloy, Remysporites magnificus (Horst) Butterworth et Williams and Knoxisporites stephanephorus Love. According to Kmiecik (1986) the presence of Murospora aurita (Waltz) Playford, Calyptosporites arenaceus (Neves et Owens) Oshurkova, Schukospora campyloptera, Tripartites incisotrilobus (Naumova) Potonie et Kremp and Reticulatisporites cancellatus (Waltz) Playford within studied miospore association confirm the correlation of the MS-6 palynoassemblage with the similar ones of the upper part of Diatomozonotriletes saetosus (Ds) Zone of Poland miospore zonation. Most probably that high miospore diversity of the studied palynoassemblage is related to various palaeoecological structures of the terrestrial parent vegetation.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępOpal mineralization from Cigel’ locality (Central Slovakia) : abstract(2012) Gregor, MilošBesides the famous precious opals from Eastern Slovakia, the Neogene volcanic field in Central Slovakia shows numerous localities with various types of opals. Unfortunately these localities contain only common opal (or potch opal), but moreover, there are only few information on mineralogical composition or genesis of such opal types in Slovakian geological literature. Common opals are bound to all types of volcanic rocks and their pyroclastics. They can be found in fissures and cracks in basaltic, andesitic as well as in rhyolitic rocks. The Cigel' locality was chosen from the number of different opal localities based on the well preserved cross sections through the andesitic volcanic rocks and redeposited pyroclastics of Vtáčnik Formation (Šimon et al. 1997) Opals can be found in irregular nodules of variable size in weathered redeposited pyroclastic materials as well as in fissures and cracks in fresh andesitic rocks. Opals are often associated with greenish clays, which are often intimately overgrown with opal, or they create a thin crust around the opal nodules. Also they create infilling of fissures in weathered pyroclastic material. Selected samples of opal were studied using optical microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction analyses (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and electron microprobe (EMPA) in order to determine their exact mineralogical and chemical composition. Both types of opals samples (nodules and infilling of cracks in fresh andesite) shows typical PXRD pattern for opal-CT (Floerke et al. 1991, Graetsch 1994) with presence of expandable layer silicates. Etched surfaces of samples show presence of lepispheres (Floerke et al. 1975) of opal-CT in SEM. Based on IR analyses the associated clays consist mainly of nontronite, kaolinite was detected in lower amount. Chemical composition of opals is quite variable. Samples are not homogenous, they show two different phases which are either poor or rich on trivalent compounds. With increasing amount of trivalent compounds the content of SiO2 is getting lower, but the concentration of divalent and monovalent impurities is significantly getting higher. As for comparison phases poor on trivalent compound shows concentration of Al2O3 up to 0.01 wt. % and Fe2O3 up to 0.2 wt. %. The concentration of SiO2 in this phase reaches up to 99.2 wt. %. Phase rich on trivalent compounds shows concentration of Al2O3 up to 2.7 wt. % and 23.3 wt. % for Fe2O3. SiO2 concentration reaches 64.3-83.4 wt. %. Besides the opal phases, also impurities with high concentrations of MnO2 and Fe2O3 were identified. Sums over 100 wt. % belong to moganite, which was subsequently identified by the means of Raman spectroscopy. Based on the field observations, detected mineralogical features and chemical composition, an infiltration-weathering formation of opal was proposed. The proposed process includes low-temperature hydration of volcanic glass (smectititzation) in solid state (Šamajova et al. 1992, Velde & Meunier 2008). Access of silica is transported by descending fluids and subsequently the opal can be precipitated in fissures or in cracks (Koivula et al. 1983, Horton 2002) between the weathered pyroelastic materials or in cracks and fissures in fresh andesite.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępMaturity of Menilite Shales from Polish Outer Carpathians based on vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data(2012) Waliczek, Marta; Więcław, DariuszMaturity of organic matter is one of the most important parameters characterizing the source rock. The maturation process depends on organic matter properties (kinetic parameters of kerogen) and burial history (temperature and time). The vitrinite reflectance measurements and Rock-Eval pyrolysis are widely used to characterize the maturity of organic matter occurring in the source rock. The purpose of the present study is to determine the thermal maturity of organic material present in Oligocene Menilite Shales from Polish Outer Carpathians based on vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. These organic-rich rocks are considered as a main source of oils accumulated in Outer Carpathian sequence (Kotarba & Kołtun 2006). Analysis has been performed on eleven claystone samples collected from outcrops of Dukla Unit. Part of them was taken in tectonic windows of Dukla Unit within Magura Unit: Świątkowa, Grybów and Ropa. Microscopic analysis of organic matter in reflected white light and fluorescence has been carried out for each sample. Macerals have been characterized and classified according to their optical properties and morphology. Rock-Eval pyrolysis has been used to determine: a) the amount of free hydrocarbons present in the sample (S1), b) the amount of residual hydrocarbons generated during pyrolysis of organic matter (S2), c) the amount of CO2 generated during pyrolysis of organic matter (S3), d) the temperature of maximum of S2 peak (Tmax), e) the amount of CO2 received during oxidation of residual, carbon (S4). Based on received parameters the source-rock indices were calculated: a) total organic carbon {TOC = [0.83(S1 + S2) + S4]/10}, b) hydrogen index (HI = 100S2/TOC), c) oxygen index (OI = l00S3/TOC), d) production index [PI = S1/(S1 + S2)]. Reflected white light optical research methods of organic matter enable to find in each studied sample macerals from vitrinite and inertynite group. Two generation of vitrinite has been noticed during the studies. The first type has been represented by vitrinite in situ. The second one has been recognized as a dark, gelified vitrinite, filled in with some mineral or organic association. Inertinite macerals have been represented mostly by detritus material. Macerals from liptynite group have been recognized using fluorescent microscopy. These macerals occur commonly in each sample, what could indicate domination of oil-prone kerogen Type II. The vitrinite reflectance measurements have been carried out for both types of vitrinite. The random reflectance Rr of organic matter varies between 0.45% and 0.9% for first type of vitrinite and from 0.2% to 0.66% for the second one. Measurements of reflectance of vitrinite in situ have indicated that organic matter has reached the maturation stages of hydrocarbon generation corresponding to oil window phase. Values of selected parameters and indices received from Rock-Eval pyrolysis vary: TOC from 1.73 wt. % to 6.4 wt. % (median 4.3 wt. %), HI from 197 mg HC/g TOC to 681 mg HC/g TOC (median 342 mg HC/g TOC) and Tmax from 421°C to 456°C (median 440°C). These data indicate that analysed samples are rich in organic matter, predominantly of oil-prone kerogen Type II. Rock-Eval Tmax temperature values correlate well with reflectance of organic matter for vitrinite in situ, for dark vitrinite this correlation is not visible.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępHydrothermal fluids influence on the thermal evolution of the Stephanian sequence, the Sabero Coalfield (NW Spain)(2012) Botor, DariuszIn the present study, the thermal history of the Late Carboniferous (Stephanian) coal-bearing sediments of the Sabero Coalfield has been reconstructed in order to elucidate coal rank. The Sabero Coalfield is located in a small intramontane coal-bearing basin along the Sabero-Gordón fault zone, one of the major E-W trending strike-slip fault systems of the southern part of the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain). The total thickness of the Stephanian succession is in excess of 2,000 m, and is composed of siliclastic rocks and intercalated coal seams with tonsteins. Mean vitrinite reflectance values in the Stephanian rocks in the Sabero Coalfield are in the range from 0.61 to 3.14% Rr, but most values are in the range from 0.8 to 1.5% Rr (based on 84 samples). Average vitrinite reflectance gradient is high (0.73% Rr/km), which suggests high value of average paleogeothermal gradient (52°C/km). The maximum paleotemperatures calculated from vitrinite reflectance values for the Stephanian rocks range between 89°C (top of the Stephanian) and 195°C (bottom of the Stephanian). Coalification of the organic matter in the Stephanian rocks was achieved in the Early Permian, and was most likely related to several almost simultaneous related to magmatic and hydrothermal activity during high subsidence period in the pull-apart basin. The primary, burial-related maturity pattern, was probably slightly overprinted by fluid migration event, which is supposed to have occurred in Early Permian time.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępA web-based system for collecting and analysing of geological outcrops(2012) Lupa, Michał; Sarlej, Wojciech; Bagnicki, Łukasz; Szloch, Andrzej; Piórkowski, AdamThe evolution of computer technology has created possibility to build digital catalog of geological outcrops cards - the geological data bank. In the recent times, the milestone event in the computer cartography was the release of Google Maps service (2005) and more accurately - geoservices, called web map services. These services were based on software (both commercial and open source) called map servers (Nowacki & Opach, 2009). One of these map servers is 'Geoportal' -, acting as a broker service, that provides the digital cartographic data and spatial services for the users. Another interesting spatial service - Central Geological Database was made by Polish Geological Institute -http://baza. The appropriate collection and processing of data, collected as a result of geological research is a non-trivial task due to their volume and the multiplicity of formats in which they are delivered. Therefore geological databases are most miscellaneous and comprehensive, which means that they are a valuable source of information during performing of the analysis. Furthermore, data in themselves have no value, only systematization and appropriate interpretation by the user can make these data useful. To achieve this goal, spatial databases are being used, because in addition to the information received as a result of the analysis, they also have a spatial reference. This data structure forms the base layer of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and is present in applications for analyzing and visualization of the processing of geological data results One of this application is the Internet-based system 'GeoOutcrops', which enable collecting and analyzing data collected in the geological outcrops. GeoOutcrops is a universal database system of geological outcrops. It was created in Department of Geoinformatics and Applied Computer Science in Faculty of Geology,Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology. The GeoOutcrops database is processed, refreshed and expanded with new technical solutions version, of the geological service 'GeoKarpaty 2'. Similary to the GeoKarpaty2, the GeoOutcrops service is designed to store data of the Polish Flysch Carpathians. It can also be adapted to store data of entire Carpathians. In contrast to previous version, GeoOutcrops is a open source system, with better user interface usability and user friendly template. GeoOutcrops is a three-tier system model, which consists of: data tier, business tier and presentation tier. The data tier represents MySQL database with spatial extension - MySQL Spatial. The business tier of system, which contains the entire functional structure of the service, has been programmed using PHP language with Kohan's Framework 3.0 and PDO library. Interaction with the user supports JavaScript with the JQuery library. The presentation tier, including the user interface, is made with XHTML and CSS languages. The web site has been developed in accordance with the current standards, both in terms of structure, the user interface and aesthetics. The whole thing is the result of a thorough analysis of requirements and capabilities, aimed at creating a geoservice dedicated to users associated with the geological sciences. Moreover, the system also includes the implementation of Google Maps API and allows specifying the location of the various outcrops on the map.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępGeochemistry of ordovician black shales from the Leningrad region : abstract(2012) Proskurnina, Alina Vasil'evnaThe black shales zone is located in southern periphery of the Baltic Shield and forms part of the Vendian-Paleozoic platform cover. This zone, together with the Sablino, Koporye, Mozhaiskoe, Popovka, Izhora, Ust-Luga, represents a potentially large noble metal and rhenium resource in the Leningrad region. This paper presents mineralogy and geochemistry of black shales that are important estimating the potential for possible future mining. Sampling was carried out at seven points in the Leningrad region, where samples were collected from different parts of the strata. X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), inductively-coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and scanning electron microprobe (SEM) analyses were mainly used to identify the mineral species and estimate metal contents. Illite, kaolinite, chlorite, quartz, and feldspar were identified as main silicates with minor amount of iron oxides such as jarosite and goethite. Pyrite in black shale typically occurs in framboidal form and as euhedral crystals. Framboidal pyrite was found in the black shale samples from Sablino, Koporye and Ust-Luga. Such form of occurrence is typical for pyrite that is formed during early diagenesis. The content of organic matter in the studied black shale samples is 1.3-16.5 wt. %. The total rare earth elements (?REE) content of black shale samples ranges from 65.67 ppm to 262.95 ppm. The average REE content of 15 samples from different parts of the Leningrad region is higher than 134.19 ppm for the world black shale calculated by Ketris and Yudovich (2009). The content of rhenium in the samples is 0.14-0.25 ppm. The concentration of Re is higher in the western part of the studied area. XAS shows that concentration of the palladium group elements is higher in western part of the region, where the Pd content varies from 0.45 ppm to 0.77 ppm. Additionally, the results of this study also yield contents of U (286 ppm), V (2140 ppm), Mo (1260 ppm). Therefore, black shales as a perspective source of critical metals demand further detailed study.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępLow temperature synthesis and thermodynamic stability of fluorpyromorphite $Pb_{5}(PO_{4})_{3}F$ at 5-65°C : abstract(2012) Dziura, Agata; Kwaśniak-Kominek, Monika; Manecki, Maciej; Bajda, TomaszFluorpyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3F belongs to the pyromorphite group of minerals which are isostructural with apatites. Their structure allows for variety of substitutions in both cationic and anionie positions. The purpose of this study is low temperature synthesis, mineralogical and thermodynamic characterization of fluorpyromorphite (FPY) and determination of its solubility product based on the results obtained from the dissolution experiment. FPY was synthesized by dropwise mixing of solutions containing Pb(NO3)2, K2HPO4 and NaF at 25°C. The only product of synthesis is FPY within the detection limits of X-ray diffraction. Calculated unit cell parameters are a = 9.7427 ?, c = 7.3216 ?. Homogeneous character of the precipitate was confirmed further with the use of scanning electron microscopy. Dissolution experiments were conducted in triplicates, open to the air, at 5, 25, 45°C and 65?C and at pH = 2.0. An aliquot of about 250 mg of FPY was placed in 250 mL of 0.05 M KNO3 with the pH adjusted using 0.1 M HNO3. Periodically taken samples were analyzed for [Pb] using atomic absorption spectrometry AAS as well as for [PO4] and [F] using colorimetry. Calculations of solubility products were performed with the aid of computer program PHREEQC with modified MINTEQ thermodynamic database. The activities of ionic species were calculated from measured concentrations of elements (assuming stoichiometric dissolution) with application of extended Debye-Huckel equation.