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Kolekcja książek oraz rozdziałów książek opublikowanych przez Wydawnictwa AGH w otwartym dostępie. Zawiera publikacje:
- Naukowe - monografie, publikacje wielotematyczne
- Dydaktyczne i edukacyjne - podręczniki, skrypty
- Pokonferencyjne
- Inne - okolicznościowe, słowniki, poradniki, itp.
Czasopisma oraz artykuły z czasopism, opublikowane przez Wydawnictwa AGH, dostępne są zbiorze Czasopisma Naukowe AGH.
Ostatnie wpływy
- Fragment książkiOtwarty dostępGeochemiczna immobilizacja promieniotwórczego toru: mineralogia w służbie polskiej atomistyki(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2024) Wrona, Patrycja; Brzóska, Aleksandra; Staszel, Kacper; Manecki, MaciejOne of the most effective methods to immobilize hazardous elements is their precipitation as crystalline phases. This study investigated the removal of thorium (Th) from aqueous solutions by precipitating as crystalline lead phosphates. The synthesis of lead apatites involved dropwise mixing of solutions containing: $Pb^{2+}$, $PO_{4}^{3-}$ and $Cl^{-}$ (experiment A), $Pb^{2+}$ and $PO_{4}^{3-}$ (experiment B) and $PO_{4}^{3-}$ (experiment C), with Th solution (~400 mg/L) at pH 3, 5, and 7. The precipitates were characterized by XRD and SEM, while solutions with Th were analyzed before and after precipitation using ICP-OES. Experiment A produced pyromorphite $Pb_{5}(PO_{4})_{3}Cl$ experiment B yielded ‘phosphoschultenite’ $PbHPO_{4}$ at pH 3 and primarily hydroxylpyromorphite $Pb_{5}(PO_{4})_{3}OH$ at pH 5 and 7. In variant C, no phase formed. Crystallization in experiments A and B reduced Th concentration from 400 ppm to 0.05 ppm, achieving 99.9% efficiency due to Th substitutions in phosphate phases. This study demonstrated that Pb presence is essential for Th removal in phosphate form. The results indicate the prospects of effective Th removal from contaminated solutions and radioactive waste.
- Fragment książkiOtwarty dostępAnaliza efektywności różnych rodzajów ziem filtracyjnych w rafinacji parafiny na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa Terra Trade(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2024) Udaliszczew, JanModern industrial production of paraffin and other hydrocarbon-based products, such as mineral oils or waxes, is extremely closely related to the process of raw material purification. One of the key stages of this process is paraffin filtration, which aims to remove impurities and undesirable substances that may affect the quality and properties of the final product. Filter earth plays an irreplaceable role in the paraffin filtration process. The paper presents the main aspects related to soil for paraffin filtration, including its physical and chemical properties, production processes and use in industry. The aim of the work is to analyze the effectiveness of types of filter soil in terms of the quality of the finished raw material and to present other methods of paraffin purification. This work provides a comprehensive look at paraffin filtration soil and provides the necessary knowledge to understand its key role in the production process.
- Fragment książkiOtwarty dostępWpływ cyfryzacji na najważniejsze wskaźniki efektywności procesu produkcyjnego na przykładzie projektu AGH LeanLine(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2024) Ziaja, SzymonDigitization and the concepts of Industry 4.0 undoubtedly contribute to companies’ competitive advantage, which can be achieved, among other things, by improving the efficiency and stability of the production process through their implementation. The main purpose of the article is to demonstrate the impact of digitization on the most important indicators of production efficiency using the example of the student project AGH LeanLine, implemented by the Student Research Group “Management”. The AGH LeanLine project concerns the construction of a comprehensive system for teaching Lean Manufacturing methods and tools. The article presents plans for the digitalization and autonomization of this project, including the implementation of technologies realizing the concept of Industry 4.0 in the simulation of the production process. The rationale for the necessity and advisability of the changes introduced is presented with reference to practical indicators for monitoring the efficiency of the production process.
- Fragment książkiOtwarty dostępAnaliza fundamentu i korpusu elektrowni wiatrowej(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2024) Świerczek, JakubIn this paper, the foundation and body of a wind turbine were analyzed using Hexagon. Marc/Mentat software. A spatial FEM model of a reinforced concrete foundation slab supported on the ground and a steel body consisting of shell, perimeter and longitudinal frames was created. The reinforced concrete is formed by a coherent mesh of 8-node spatial elements, the body is formed by 4-node shell elements of the shell, longitudinal and transverse frames. The generator and rotor blades of the wind turbine were replaced by masses centered at the centers of gravity of these elements and the corresponding mass moments of inertia. Wind pressure was represented in terms of forces and pressures. An analysis of these quantities in terms of maximum operational wind speed was carried out. The purpose of the study was to create a numerical model of the foundation and body of a wind turbine, where the 750 kW Lagerwey LW58 power plant was modeled. In the calculations, the displacements from static loads, natural frequencies and vibration velocities of the foundation and body in the selected frequency range of forcing forces were determined.
- Fragment książkiOtwarty dostępAnaliza drgań konstrukcji fundamentu pod dmuchawę ciągu spalin(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2024) Tokarz, PatrykThe subject of the article is an FEM model of a block reinforced concrete foundation for an exhaust gas blower. Devices of this type are used in installations discharging exhaust gases, e.g. from a heating furnace. This work analyzes the vibrations of a foundation model with distributed mechanical elements (including engine, bearings, blower) described as point masses with appropriate inertial properties. The loads of the FE model are harmonic forces resulting from the rotational motion of the shaft and the assumed mass unbalance eccentricities of the engine and blower. The displacements and vibration velocities of selected points of the foundation model were analyzed. Calculations were performed using the Hexagon.Marc program.