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AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas

ISSN: 2299-4157

Data wydania
Vol. 34
No. 1
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
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Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Vol. 34 (2017)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Tylko metadane
Prediction of conditions of longterm operated drill pipes failure
(2017) Vitâz', Oleg Ûlìjovič
An experimental assessment of the force criterion for metal failure of longterm drill pipes operation wascarried out. Defined were the conditions under which during tripping the failure of longterm operated drillpipes is possible when they contain an external or internal circumferential transverse crack. The interrelationof critical external or internal circumferential transverse cracks in drill pipes to the drilling stringweight was established. It was shown that the internal cross cracks during drilling string tripping at depthsexceeding 3000 m are more dangerous than the external ones, whereas within the range of 1000–3000 m the external circumferential transverse cracks are more dangerous.
Tylko metadane
Prospects for development of the oil market in the world
(2017) Rychlicki, Stanisław; Stopa, Jerzy
Crude oil and natural gas were in the twentieth century and are still the most important strategic resources, which determine many aspects of politics and the world economy. The price level and the availability of oil and gas has a huge impact on the economic situation of all countries of the world. The developments in the oil market were the cause of many wars. The use of oil on an industrial scale it was observed at the end of the nineteenth century and once was considered the most effective source of energy for universal use. Since then, a steady increase of its share in the energy balances of the World. Growing automotive industry in the early twentieth century was also an important factor in increasing the use of oil, which is then processed in many emerging refineries. All this led to the development of the oil industry, which has become an alternative to coal as the main fuel so far. However, a major breakthrough in the use of oil occurred only after the Second World War, when began to rapidly develop such industries as chemical-based oil or plastics industry. This article presents information on traditional and prospective areas where oil deposits in the world and its resources as well as international trade, price formation in the market and prospects of development of the oil market in the world.
Tylko metadane
Microscale modeling of CO₂-EOR process in coupling with laboratory measurements
(2017) Janiga, Damian; Czarnota, Robert; Stopa, Jerzy; Wojnarowski, Paweł
Application of enhance oil recovery methods (EOR) as carbon dioxide injection (CO₂-EOR) can increase technological or economical production indicators. For the evaluation of process effectiveness, full scale simulation model is used. Numerical models require large number of high quality geological and production data. However, the necessary data may be uncertain therefore microscale laboratory experiment and modeling can provide a knowledge to understand the fluid flow phenomena. In this paper the authors propose an integrated decision model coupling laboratory measurements of displacement with the numerical simulation of flow. First step consists of routine rock properties determination, after that core sample geometry, porosity and permeability were reconstructed in numerical reservoir simulator. Simple core model was combined with relative permeability measurements for oil - water and oil - carbon dioxide as well as fluid properties. Calibrated to laboratory measurements simulation model was used to analyze the process of CO₂-EOR and evaluation of its effectiveness depending on technological parameters.
Tylko metadane
Russian oil and gas industry on the eve of changes
(2017) Kosowska, Katarzyna; Kosowski, Piotr
In 2016 Russia’s oil and gas industry celebrated 150th anniversary of its creation. It was a breakthrough moment in the history of Russian economy’s development due to two main rea-sons: firstly, it was a strong impulse to develop the national oil industry, secondly, a proof of huge technological potential of Russia. Today, when oil industry is at its best technological revolution, Russian oil sector loses to its competitors due to the lack of any reforms for two decades. But it is still the most important part of Russian economy - income from export of raw materials (mainly crude oil) has been a crucial part of federal budget (around 50%) which allows to subsidize other branches of economy. In the coming years Russia’s oil sector will have to face many challenges, both external (low oil price, sanctions) and internal (reducing production level, tax reforms). It is highly probable that despite negative experience of economic crisis, Russia’s authorities will not resign from the perception of oil sector as a driving force of the national economy. But Russia should find and develop other tradable industries or its long-term economic prospect will not be optimistic.
Tylko metadane
The use of computer simulations to assess the effectiveness of the revitalization of mature oil fields using the selected reservoir as an example
(2017) Podsobiński, Daniel; Stopa, Jerzy; Wojnarowski, Paweł
The decrease in new oil field discoveries over the years makes it necessary to return to the abandoned partially depleted oil fields. Due to remaining significant amount of geological resources, mature oil field can be important in the overall balance. The production rate can be increased using various recovery methods. This paper presents a method of revitalizing mature oil fields used in Poland and wide world as well as screening criteria were presented. This article indicate the role of computer simulation as a tool in planning process of revitalization works in case of mature oil fields exploration and management. A recovery methods would be proposed, using computer simulation for the selected reservoir in south – eastern Poland as an example. The effectiveness of the recovery method would be determined through forecast of future production. An preliminary economic analysis would be performed to determine the feasibility of the seletected method taking into account the initial investment costs and different oil prices.
Tylko metadane
Geochemical characteristics of Neogene methane-bearing lignite of the Bełchatów region
(2017) Maruta, Michał; Zakrzewski, Adam
Coal beds could contain various amount of methane. This attribute might be dangerous in shafts or quarrying. Among other things, the works in the coal beds, including drilling, potentially there is a risk of exceeding the methane lower explosive limit. But on the other hand it is a source of unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations. In this paper geochemical characteristic of organic matter of tertiary brown coal from central part of Poland were performed. Geochemical surveys helps to know about genesis of methane from study area. The analysed samples contain various quantity of organic carbon, from 20,74 to 71.93 wt. %. Lignite from examine samples have weak hydrocarbon potential. In tertiary sediments prevails III type of kerogen with admixture of II type of kerogen. The thermal maturity of the tertiary organic matter changes within the interval from 354 to 419 in Tmax scale. Organic matter is immature. The composition of bitumens is different in various part of study area. Elemental analysis confirm that brown coal was comprised mostly by humic-group macerals. Coal samples contain methane with mixed genesis.
Tylko metadane
Influence of ionic hydration inhibitors on triple inhibition system mud properties - technological parameters
(2017) Gaczoł, Magdalena
Clay rock hydration is primary reason of borehole wall instability during drilling. In correspondence to this fact, it is substantial to counteract abovementioned phenomenon. It can be achieved e.g. applying ionic hydration inhibitors in the drilling mud formula. From the point of view of drilling effectiveness, the most practical is water based inhibitive mud. Its stabilizing properties are partially effect of soluble salts and low concentrations of polymer. This type of the mud exhibits good rheological properties and causes, in most of cases, increased rate of penetration (ROP). Ionic inhibition contribute to reduction of both dispersion and hydration of clay rock due to decreased instability of shales containing swelling clays. Hydration degree depends on the type and concentration of inhibitive ions in the drilling mud. This paper describes studies on influence of the chosen inhibitors (KCl, K₂CO₃ , HCOOK, CaCl₂) on technological parameters of the developed drilling muds with triple inhibition system. Obtained results indicate good parameters of the mud. For HCOOK and CaCl₂ increase of the inhibitor concentration causes major changes in mud parameters, however for K₂CO₃ and KCl those parameters do not change significantly.
Tylko metadane
Study of the performance of LCMs in fractured formations
(2017) Galves, Leandro; Miska, Stefan; Ziaja, Małgorzata; Ozbayoglu, Evren
This study focuses on modeling three phenomena that greatly affect the performance of lost circulation materials (LCMs) in sealing thief zones: the process of construction of the LCM seal, the final flow rate after its creation, and the fractability of this seal to the pressures inside the wellbore. To model them, concepts related to fluid mechanics, and geomechanics become of the utmost importance. To help the validation of the models presented in this work, an experimental facility to simulate lost circulation was constructed. The facility makes use of a real limestone core drilled with the Tulsa Drilling Research Projects (TUDRP) drilling rig. This experimental setup represents progress in the reproduction of overall field conditions in comparison with other setups found in the literature. Several tests were performed with walnut at different sizes and concentrations, as well as with distinct fracture openings, inclinations, and orientations. As a result, a D90 as large as the size of the fracture aperture ends up to being effective in the plugging process. In addition, a D50 the size of 1/3 of the fracture opening also provides of a good seal. Depending on the concentration, smaller sizes can be applied - the smaller the size is, the larger the concentration must be. Finally, a computer program has been developed. Estimations of particle size distribution (PSD), plug time, and flow rate after seal formation are outcomes. This method of LCM selection can be used to assess the performance of different LCMs in the field. Hence, cost, time, and energy can be saved in dealing with lost circulation.
Tylko metadane
A study of hydraulic characteristic for borehole heat exchangers
(2017) Śliwa, Tomasz; Jaszczur, Marek; Sapińska-Śliwa, Aneta; Bieda, Anna; Kowalski, Tomasz; Złotkowski, Albert; Kruszewski, Michał
Thermal Response Test (TRT) is a standard test performed in borehole heat exchangers (BHE), which provides thorough understanding of thermal parameters of surrounding rock mass. Following work consists of calculations for hydraulic power and pressure losses along the BHE’s length. Analysis was carried out in eight BHE’s with different diameters, lengths and heat carriers in various areas throughout Poland. In accordance with TRT results, potential power exchanged between BHE and rock mass was determined. In order to find relations between pressure losses and volumetric flow rate, hydraulic tests in average static temperature of rock mass and during heating period were investigated. Proportions between hydraulic power and total power exchange with rock mass are also presented in following research.
Tylko metadane
Comparative analysis of using borehole heat exchangers in Macedonia and in Poland
(2017) Kowalski, Tomasz; Śliwa, Tomasz; Bieda, Anna; Ruvčeska, Aleksandra
Using borehole heat exchangers for heating and cooling in different climate conditions were analysed and compared in this paper, considering the heating and cooling modes of the heat pump. Economic analysis were made according to the energy demand for heating, cooling and hot tap water with borehole heat exchangers for a typical family house. The costs for running borehole heat exchangers in Macedonia and Poland were also based on the average monthly temperatures and geological profile of the location.
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