Numer czasopisma
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
ISSN: 2299-4157
Data wydania
Vol. 33
No. 1
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: dozwolony użytek
Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Vol. 33 (2016)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Tylko metadane
Methods of $CO_{2}$ acquisition and costs reduction in shale rocks fracturing technology
(2016) Miedzińska, Danuta; Niezgoda, Tadeusz
The innovative method of shale gas recovery with the use of subcritical $CO_{2}$ is currently developed within the project titled „Development of guidelines for design of innovative technology of shale gas recovery with the use of liquid $CO_{2}$ on the base of numerical and experimental research – DIOX4SHELL”, supported by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The project is carried out by Polish company PGNiG and by academics from WAT, AGH and PW (Military University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology, and Warsaw University of Technology). Finding the best business model, in which costs of $CO_{2}$ production or acquisition are negligible is one of the most important factors influencing the economical effectiveness of the technology. The main part of known $CO_{2}$ acquisition methods is based on fuel purchase and its combustion, what is very expensive process. It results with the high $CO_{2}$ price, when purchasing from producer, about 300 zl/ton. This price is quite high, considering current low prices of natural gas. In the paper basic aspects of $CO_{2}$ acquisition from $CO_{2}$ producers, exhaust gases treatment plants or plasma gasification methods will be presented.
Tylko metadane
Drilling large diameter intake wells with cutter bits in loose and weakly consolidated rocks
(2016) Macuda, Jan; Macuda, Małgorzata
Most of the useful aquifers in Poland occur in the Quaternary and Tertiary horizons, which are deposited at a depth of tens to hundreds of meters. Owing to the need of providing large quantities of water for municipal and industrial purposes, the aquifers are more and more frequently opened with large diameter wells of various designs. Such wells are mostly drilled with the rotary method with reverse mud circulation with the use of various bits. The Quaternary and Tertiary strata abound in loose and weakly consolidated rocks therefore cutter bits are predominantly used. They allow for high rates of drilling and shorter time of drilling of the well. This significantly influences the negative influence of drilling mud on the near screen zone of the aquifer and better hydraulic properties of the well. Drillability tests were performed with cutter bits of 0.86 and 0.67 m diameter for providing high rates of drilling of large diameter intake wells in loose and weakly consolidated rocks. The research was made for measurement sections 0.5 to 1.0 m long, and each of them was drilled at con- stant rotational velocity and axial weight on bit. Prior to the drillability tests the limitation of weight on bit and rotational velocity of bit imposed by the technical characteristic of Prakla B50 rig, strength of the string and butter bit were established. Various regression models were analyzed for the sake of finding a dependence between drilling rate and axial weight on bit and rotational velocity of bit for particular macroscopically homogeneous layers. The best results were obtained for the exponent model illustrating the influence of axial weight on bit and rotational velocity of bit on the drilling rate, which has been proved by the calculated regression coefficients and statistical parameters.
Tylko metadane
Fatigue failure study of fiberglass sucker rods joints
(2016) Kopej, Bogdan Volodimirovič; Bednarz, Stanisław; Shuanjui, Youy
Fiberglass sucker rods are fiberglass rods (body) of polymeric composite materials (PCM), which are connected with steel heads. In this paper, an analysis of the fatigue strength of joints of fiberglass sucker rod under different bending stresses is performed and from this the key indicators of fatigue strength are derived. The main scope of fiberglass sucker rod is the use in aggressive environment because the plastic and glass fiber is not exposed to corrosion. Long-term strength and durability of operation – it’s the most important characteristics used in the design and operation realized in sucker rod, made of polymer composite materials (PCM). The aging of polymers and fiberglass sucker rod fracture leads to an emergency in the operation of oil wells and need to execute the workover. Based on the found contact problem solving using computers strength characteristics of the compounds were analyzed, dependence of contact pressure on the value of shear compliances of shell material, orthotropy option, size of joint were obtained.
Tylko metadane
Monitoring of petroleum substances in the neighborhood of drinking water intake
(2016) Solecki, Tadeusz
This article concerns the monitoring of underground water quality in the vicinity of underground water intake, which is carried out continuously (quarterly) in six monitoring wells situated near the water intake. Groundwater occurring in this complex form a continuous and prosperous aquifer exploited with deep- water wells 19A and 19', intended to supply the population of part of Kraków with drinking and industrial water. Operated monitoring wells and holes are set in Czyżyny district in the protection zone of undergro- und water intakes Mistrzejowice. During the field research it were carried 41 quarterly measurements of petroleum substances at ground- water table. These tests were carried out using specialized equipment of Dutch company Eijkelkamp Agri- search Equipment, which can measure thickness of petroleum substances at groundwater table in each monitoring well. During the laboratory studies 41 quarterly measurements were performed. Determination and quantitative analysis of petroleum substances in groundwater samples were made. For laboratory testing methodology Fourier infrared spectroscopy was used. Laboratory studies of oil products in water samples showed the variable contents in each series. The statistical analysis was also done using Shewhart’ s control card.
Tylko metadane
A review of currently available LNG facilities and means of transport used for supplying terminals in natural gas with a projection of LNG prices in the USA
(2016) Metelska, Klaudia; Cieślik, Tomasz
LNG terminals allow for constant availability of fuel gas in insular countries (Japan) and in countries which do not have the option of transporting gas via inland pipelines due to their geopolitical location (South Korea). In many cases, possessing an LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminal increases energy independence, which translates first and foremost into avoiding energy blackmail (Lithuania). This paper presents currently existing LNG terminals together with an overview of the most widely used technologies for gas liquefaction, storage and long-distance transporting by LNG carriers. A comparison of natural gas liquefaction plants and LNG terminals with respect to their location, age and capacity is also given. In the final part of the paper we analyse LNG carriers in relation to age, capacity and shipowner. On the basis of data collected in the last 12 years, such as: price of LNG exported from USA, prices of imported and exported natural gas, consumption of gas, we have established the price of imported LNG using linear regression and power functions. In order to determine the price of LNG we have constructed mathematical models by means of the STATISTICA program. Our aim was to find the most accurate model. Three basic ex post methods have been used to compare regression models: ME (mean error), RMSE (root mean squared error), MAPE (mean absolute percentage error).
Tylko metadane
Social assessment of the impact of oil exploitation on lives of inhabitants and the environment
(2016) Rychlicki, Stanisław; Kosowski, Piotr; Solecki, Marek; Wartak, Joanna
This article presents the results of surveys carried out in the framework of the MUSE project in order to gain knowledge and obtain assessment of the impact of oil exploitation on the lives of the inhabitants of certain regions and on the environment. The survey was conducted in Krosno, Jedlicz and Rymanów (SE Poland). In this area, since the nineteenth century, there are o lot of crude oil mines and many local people are employed at its exploitation. Current condition of the environment and the negative effects of pollution and its causes were assessed by the local community. Within the framework of the conducted study, particular attention was paid to assessing the impact of oil exploitation on the environment and human health. Respondents also pointed to environmental elements that have gone under the greatest transformation in connection with the exploitation of crude oil.
Tylko metadane
The comparison of geological conditions of American unconventional oil fields and Krosno beds
(2016) Solecki, Marek; Stopa, Jerzy; Wojnarowski, Paweł; Wartak, Joanna
In this paper the geological conditions of American unconventional oil fields has been described. Similarities and differences of geology of four formations (Bakken, Eagle Ford, Avalon & Bone Springs and Monterey) have been contraposed to Krosno Beds. Stratigraphy, lithology, petrophysical parameters and mineral composition have been compared. It has been shown, that there is some similarity of geological background of Monterey Formation and Krosno Beds, what may indicate the possibility of oil production after adaptation of American technologies to Polish conditions.
Tylko metadane
Optimization of well placement and control to maximize $CO_{2}$ trapping during geologic sequestration
(2016) Stopa, Jerzy; Janiga, Damian; Wojnarowski, Paweł; Czarnota, Robert
The $CO_{2}$ injection into geological formations such as saline aquifers can be effective method of sequestration enabling efficient immobilization of gas by surface and capillary forces. The main objective of presented method of optimization was to determine optimal well position and injection rates that maximize residual trapping. This would mitigate the risk of the $CO_{2}$ leakage outside of storage zone. A genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization have been developed and coupled with reservoir simulator to optimally examine various placement and injection control strategies for vertical as well as horizontal well. Optimization was carried out in 3D heterogeneous real field model with water-$CO_{2}$ -formation rock relationship. Numerical examples confirm that developed algorithm can find a promising optimal solution effectively within a partial number of simulation runs.
Tylko metadane
Cost analysis of geological sequestration of $CO_{2}$
(2016) Kosowski, Piotr; Kuk, Michał
This article presents an analysis of the costs of geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. Special emphasis is put on the most important factors affecting the cost of this process. These are among others: the amount 8 of $CO_{2}$ emission, the kind of the emitter, the composition of exhaust gases, technology of separation, a distance between the source of emissions and the place of injection, the mode of transport and the cost of injection. For each of these factors and their combination a range of potential costs was presented. They were also ranked according to their impact on the economic efficiency of the entire process of geological sequestration of carbon dioxide.
Tylko metadane
Characteristics of industrial $CO_{2}$ emissions in Poland in 2014 in terms of its underground storage
(2016) Kosowski, Piotr; Mikołajczak, Edyta
This article contains a detailed analysis and characterization of the Polish base carbon emitters, which was created by the National Center for Emissions Management. This database contains a list of all registered in Poland $CO_{2}$ emitters with annual emissions of more than 1 tonne. On its base the analysis was carried out, divided into economy sectors, provinces, size of emitter and number of installations. Interpretation of the results allows to assess the potential and the need for underground sequestration of carbon dioxide in Poland.