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AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas

ISSN: 2299-4157

Data wydania
Vol. 32
No. 1
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
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Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Vol. 32 (2015)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Tylko metadane
Prospects for the development of hydrate storage and transportation technology of methane gas
(2015) Pavlenko, Anatolìj Mihajlovič; Košlak, Ganna Volodimirìvna; Vitâz', Oleg Ûlìjovič; Rybicki, Czesław
The gas hydrate tecłmologies can be alternative to the traditional methods of the rational use of hydrocarbon gases. However the known constructions of apparatuses for the production of gas hydrates cannot satisfy the condition of their industrial use fully. Authors offer to carry out the high-quality contact of gas and water at formation of gas hydrate by jet apparatuses with a free falling jet. On their basis a technological chart is offered for realization of continuous cycle of production of gas hydrate. The aim is to develop technical solutions and process parameters of continuous production of gas hydrates, which would satisfy the requirements of industrial application.
Tylko metadane
Compressed air energy storage as backup generation capacity combined with wind energy sector in Poland - implementation possibilities
(2015) Kuczyński, Szymon; Skokowski, Dominik H; Włodek, Tomasz; Polański, Krzysztof
Wind energy sector has been developing at a fast pace in many countries around the world in recent years. However, there is an issue with the unpredictability of electricity production provided by wind turbines that is caused by variability of weather. Therefore, there is need to compensate the intermittency of wind energy by means of backup power generation facilities. One of the solutions is compressed air energy storage technology (CAES). The paper discusses the CAES technology characteristics as well as economic aspects of CAES plant construction and operation. The latest achievements and developments in the field of CAES technology is presented. The paper inspects the existing CAES facilities and discusses the possibilities of implementing this technology in Poland.
Tylko metadane
Analysis of reservoir properties and parameters of oil fields suitable for the application of $CO_{2}$-EOR method
(2015) Uliasz-Misiak, Barbara; Kosowski, Piotr; Lewandowska-Śmierzchalska, Joanna
The criteria worked out on the basis of the literature study were used for indicating oil fields, where carbon dioxide can be injected for the purpose of storing or to enhance the production of oil. The preliminary selection of oil fields, where the miscible $CO_{2}$-EOR method can be applied was based on the following criteria: depth of deposition, density of oil, reservoir temperature and oil saturation. From among 68 analyzed oil fields, 35 were used for the analyses: 3 fields in the Carpathians, 6 in the Carpathian Foredeep and the remaining 26 fields in the Polish Lowland. The statistical analysis methods were used for analyzing reservoir parameters of fields preselected for the $CO_{2}$-EOR method, i.e. depth of deposition of the roof of the horizon, average thickness, initial reservoir pressure and reservoir temperature. The reservoir properties of these fields were also analyzed, i.e. average permeability, average porosity and average saturation with oil.
Tylko metadane
Geological and drilling aspects of construction and exploitation geothermal systems HDR/EGS
(2015) Sapińska-Śliwa, Aneta; Kowalski, Tomasz; Knez, Dariusz; Śliwa, Tomasz; Gonet, Andrzej; Bieda, Anna
The article presents an overview of developing unconventional geothermal systems, such as Hot Dry Rock Systems (HDR), where is used the heat of dry rock and enhanced system with smali water tributary called Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). These systems provide utilization of geothermal energy in reservoirs (i.a. granites) where conventional methods are not possible to use. Operation HDR/EGS involves the use rock heating through warming medium, which flowing between the production and injection boreholes. In most cases medium introduced artifically by hydraulic fracturing. Currently, most of the projects HDR/EGS is in the implementation phase. Based on gathered materials an analysis of the construction and exploitation geothermal systems. Take into account geological and drilling aspects.
Tylko metadane
Assessment of the quality of surface water from selected area of active oil exploitation
(2015) Chruszcz-Lipska, Katarzyna; Knapik, Ewa; Rychlicki, Stanisław; Stopa, Jerzy
In this work, the studies of various physico-chemical parameters of surface waters originated from the selected area of oil exploitation in the south of Poland are presented. The water samples were collected from streams and ponds or directly from surface tanks situated in the vicinity of operating wells. The observed values of different parameters like pH, odor, color, turbidity, electroconductivity, concentration of sulfate, chloride, nitrate, iron, calcium, magnesium, ammonium, alkanity, dissolved oxygen or petroleum contamination of samples were compared with standard values recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the relevant Polish Regulation. Preliminary studies show that investigated surface waters are slightly affected by anthropogenic pollution. The main two sources of contamination of water from the study area are agriculture and mining industry.
Tylko metadane
Applicability of DST results to the evaluation of changes of geologic conditions of Rotliegend series in the Polish Lowland
(2015) Dubiel, Stanisław; Rybicki, Czesław; Zubrzycki, Adam; Maruta, Michał
The presented theoretical analysis and industrial examples of interpretation of DST results for the Rotliegend series in the Polish Lowland were focused on the changes of gas productivity factor and commercial value of the analyzed horizon; permeability changes of the Rotliegend series in the wellbore area; facial changes of the Rotliegend.
Tylko metadane
The modified Dräger probe to the geochemical research of the soil gases composition
(2015) Fąfara, Zbigniew; Ilkiv, Igor; Solecki, Tadeusz
The Dräger probe in the measurement set to the geochemical research of the soil gases composition is inconvenient to use. It's heavy, which are reąuired to operate at least two people. Cumbersome and time-consuming is to place it into the soil by impact method, and often there is fail to reach the planned measurement depth. For this reason, there was designed and made the new modified Dräger probe. The new probe has significantly lower mass and outer diameter. In principle it should be possible to introduce it into the soil by pushing, which will greatly facilitate and accelerate conducting the geochemical research of the soil gases composition.In the autumn of 2014 has been tested the modified Drager probe. The purpose of this study is to assess it suitability to conduct the geochemical research of the soil gases composition. In total there were performed 374 measurements of the soil gases composition at different depths in the 247 measurement points. In 99 cases (26.5%) there was failed to perform the measurement because the soil gases flow rate through the meter was too little. Pulling probe usually allowed to perform the research - in only 6 measurement points (2.4%), it was impossible. The average depth of the measurement point is equal to 0.78 m.
Tylko metadane
Threats to the environment in the areas of abandoned extraction of hydrocarbon deposits
(2015) Rybicki, Czesław; Solecki, Tadeusz; Winid, Bogumiła
The environmental problems in past mining areas, where the production process was ended, are connected with contaminations coming from past extraction processes and the risks relating to the abandonment of wells and deposits. The risk could be variable depending on such factors as the geological formation and hydrogeological conditions in the analyzed area, and the condition of abandoned wells. The main source of contamination could be improperly sealed abandoned wells and unplugged abandoned oil and gas wells. The environmental problems could be particularly concern on the area of old historical extraction sites. There are some hydrocarbon deposits, where production i s endedand still it is possible to see places of wells and remains of an old oilfield infrastructure. Unplugged or improperly sealed wells can result in stray gas migration or contamination of soil, ground and surface and ground waters. The end of well exploitation may cause the risk associated to the restoration of formation pressure. This could be the reason of uncontrolled discharge of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons into shallow depths. Returning to the extraction from some deposits could reduce the formation pressure and constrain uncontrollable leakages of hydrocarbons. This option seems to be environmentally friendly. Authors of the paper made efforts to evaluate the scale and the range of mentioned disadvantageous phenomena.
Tylko metadane
Removal of the filter cake created by the mud for hydrogeological drilling by the method of acidizing
(2015) Wysocki, Sławomir; Gaczoł, Magdalena; Ciepielowska, Martyna
The article describes issue of a mud for hydrogeological wells and a method of removing sediment accumulated on the well filter and in the near-well zone after borehole drilling. Developed fluid formula is based on both primary criterion of selecting the best technological parameters of the mud and restrictive ecological standards. Because of the contact between the mud and the underground water (which is the main source of potable water), a need to select appropriate components such as biodegradable polymers (Guar-Gum, XC) and other organic compounds that are not causing harmful environmental effects has arisen. Furthermore, developed formula allows for relatively easy removal of mud remains from the well filter and near-well zone, inereasing well efficiency. The paper includes research findings of sediment acidizing by the procedure called "soft acidizing". Any information about practical application of this procedure can hardly be found in specialized literature. Therefore, concentrations and variations of the acetic, hydrochloric and citric acids were subject of research and analysis.
Tylko metadane
Synthetic gas production during underground gasification of coal seams
(2015) Vasûčkov, Ûrij Fedorovič; Fedorova, Marina Aleksandrovna
Last time technical developed countries find alternative gas sources for own energy duty. This source may save natural gas resources in these countries or make sure other countries having an energy deficit. One from named resources is synthetic gas which may be manufactured from a natural coal. Several countries tried to receive this gas from coal seams by way underground gasification process. But results aren't good before today. A reason is deficiency information about thermal and chemical regularities which control the process underground coal gasification. This article allow reader deeper to understand thermal process in a fire health of the coal seam channel and to learn mathematical description of a temperature distribution into the seam on modern procedure.
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