Numer czasopisma
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
ISSN: 2084-3364
Data wydania
T. 11
Nr 4
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: CC BY 4.0
Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
T. 11 (2012)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Otwarty dostęp
Problemy społeczne w teorii i praktyce : od redakcji
(2012) Krzyżowski, Łukasz; Leszczyńska, Katarzyna
Otwarty dostęp
Socjologia problemów społecznych - raz jeszcze
(2012) Frysztacki, Krzysztof
Otwarty dostęp
Otwarty dostęp
Unemployed people in Malopolska voivodeship - past and present of the social problem in light of personal and official documents
(2012) Miś, Lucjan
Presently, Małopolska voivodeship is the core of the south-eastern region of the country. Małopolska during the last two centuries experienced numerous political and administrative changes, including the period after the Second World War. In the times of the partitions, Małopolska was overcrowded, poor and economically backward region. During the interwar period the situation improved but the economic crisis of the 30's led to mass unemployment and to significant deterioration in the living conditions of families, what is reflected in the memoirs written by the inhabitants of the province of Krakow. They were published in the classic work, „Memoirs of the Unemployed' edited by Ludwik Krzywicki. The experience of unemployment during the years of the Great Depression was confronted with descriptions of inactivity in the first decade of the system transition. The subjective world of the unemployed was supplemented with quantitative data showing changes in the labour market in the voivodeship. The comparison of contemporary diaries and those written before 80 years have revealed differences in the institutional support of the health care and social assistance and the similarities in the experience of unemployment.
Otwarty dostęp
Problem uzależnień na przykładzie miasta średniej wielkości
(2012) Wieczorek, Leszek
The purpose of this publication is to present results of field researches in form of synthetic characteristics of citizens of a middle size city, Dąbrowa Górnicza, with particular emphasis on issue of addictions. The author describes results of examinations run in cycles (every two years) regarding selected demonstrations of social pathology (social problems). In 2010 700 students were questioned from randomly picked schools, including primary schools (up to 6th grade), gymnasiums (grades I to III) and high schools (practical job teaching schools and general education, grades I to III). For purposes of examination of adult citizens of Dąbrowa Górnicza 350 persons were selected. Examination of teachers covered 66 persons, including school psychologists and class care takers. The article presents some results of research relating to alcohol problems and alcoholism and drug abuse and drug addiction.
Otwarty dostęp
Racjonalność krakowskich bezdomnych
(2012) Gondek, Anna
The text is based on an analysis of the phenomenon of homelessness, especially in relation to large scale of this problem in Krakow. Accepted research perspective refers to the assumptions of rational choice theories. The article presents some conclusions drawn from qualitative research among homeless people, conducted from March to April 2011 for the thesis. Presented aspects of rationality refers to the choice of Krakow, as a 'place of residence', decisions related to the preferred type of accommodation, adaptation to life in the homelessness and demanding attitude characteristic for homeless people.
Otwarty dostęp
Badania nad bezdomnością w Polsce - wytyczne do ogólnopolskich badań osób bezdomnych
(2012) Gruszka, Jerzy
The article presents basic methodological problems involved in the study of homelessness. The distinctive nature of the subject is reflected in problems with the conceptualization and operationalization of the notions 'homelessness' and 'homeless person', with sampling or with data collection. At the same time though research suggests new ways to tackle difficulties. Controversial methodological problems are addressed, allowing for the existing research findings and referring to the definitional and typological issues, to the methods of collecting data and counting of the homeless. The purpose is to prepare a project of a pilot survey on the exclusion of homeless people in Cracow and to define major directives for a nationwide survey.
Otwarty dostęp
Aktywizacja i integracja - wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące spółdzielczości socjalnej w Małopolsce i na Opolszczyźnie
(2012) Goleński, Wojciech
This article presents the basic facts related to the functioning of social cooperatives in Poland and in both voivodeships analysed. It also illustrates the role these entities play in the activation through operation of groups at risk of social exclusion. Vocational activation is a means to socio-vocational reintegration of members of the cooperatives. The social cooperatives in the Opole and Małopolska regions, being the subject of this analysis, constitute an example of efficiently operating social enterprises that, thanks to the support from the self-government in one case and from a non-governmental organization in the other, are able to operate in the market efficiently while pursuing their social missions.
Otwarty dostęp
Od wiedzy instytucji do wiedzy terenu - w stronę demokratycznego wytwarzania wiedzy na temat kobiet świadczących usługi seksualne
(2012) Dziuban, Agata; Ratecka, Anna
In our article we critically examine institutionalized forms of knowledge concerning female sex workers. Referring to our knowledge gathered during field work concerning situation of female sex workers in Poland and experiences as streetworkers associated with non-governmental organization, we have distinguished two disparate kinds of knowledge concerning female sex workers. On the one hand, we have identified 'institutional knowledge', exterior to them and created without their participation by the academic institutions, enforcement agencies (the police, prosecution) and aid institutions (governmental and non-governmental), and - on the other hand - 'field knowledge', constructed in a dialogue with female sex workers in the process of social work, particularly streetwork. The main difference between those two types of knowledge lies in the power relations intrinsic to the process of knowledge production, interests realized through this process and actions undertaken as its consequence.
Otwarty dostęp
Bariery aktywności obywatelskiej w opinii liderek i liderów organizacji społecznych w Krakowie
(2012) Hajdarowicz, Inga
National polls about polish civil society show huge discrepancy between sense of perpetration and civic engagement among society. In my research I tried to explain this divergence. I asked leaders of local civil groups, working on the district level, what kinds of obstacles they encounter in during activities. As a starting point I chose barriers mentioned by Piotr Gliński: immature democracy, elites' betrayal, lack of control by non-governmental organizations, difficult financial situation and lack of knowledge about rights and opportunities among society. I compared his deliberations with results of analysis of documents and interviews with leaders of local organizations.