Fragment książki  

Methodological Aspects of Innovation of Project and Production Businesses

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Autorzy (rel.)
Sala, Jolanta
Tańska, Halina
Nr albumu:
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: Licencja AGH (Publikacje uczelniane)
AGH Licence (University Press) - Fair Use
Licencja AGH (Publikacje uczelniane) - Dozwolony użytek chronionych utworów

Inny tytuł
Typ zasobu:
fragment książki, rozdział
wersja wydawnicza
Nr normy / patentu
Numer czasopisma (rel.)
Szczegóły wydania / pracy
Opublikowane w: Contemporary challenges in management and economy in the area of COVID-19. - Kraków: Wydawnictwa AGH., pp. 61-69
Opis fizyczny:Skala:Zasięg:
ISBN:e-ISBN: 978-83-67427-63-0
Jednostka AGH:
Forma studiów:
Stopień studiów:
Uzyskany tytuł:
Redaktorzy (rel.)
Promotorzy (rel.)
Recenzenci (rel.)
Projekty badawcze (rel.)
Instytucja Finansująca
Dane badawcze:
Jednostki organizacyjne (rel.)
Wydarzenia (rel.)
Słowa kluczowe
innovativeness in Polish industry, methodological aspects, innovative creativity of employees
Dyscyplina (2011-2018)
Klasyfikacja MKP

In this chapter the authors present a proposal of selected aspects of methodology for improving individual and team innovation in enterprises. Methodological aspects were reasoned with measurements of the level of innovation by GUS and its causes in Poland. The reasons for the low level of innovation are justified by historical roots, as the seven main points formulated by PTI in 1980, similarly to the 21 postulates of “Solidarity”, accurately reflect the main reasons for Poland’s backwardness in development and, unfortunately, most of them are still valid. These reasons require action on the part of the Polish state, but they should also be used in bottom-up activities of each enterprise after minor interpretation corrections. The chapter focuses on industrial enterprises, because the realities of creativity of engineers and technicians are different from workers in other sectors of the economy. An important determinant of creativity in industrial enterprises with aspirations to design their products and production processes is the set of instruments, in particular CAD/CAM/CAE. Three methodological proposals guarantee a faster and more effective way to creativity and innovativeness of enterprises, although their implementation requires a lot of effort on the part of both employees and their employers. At the same time, they are a prerequisite for acquiring the ability to make strategic innovations in the enterprise. The developed methodological solutions have been tested in practice and constitute an institutional recommendation.
