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Studia Humanistyczne AGH

ISSN: 2084-3364

Data wydania
T. 11
Nr 2
Prawa dostępu
Dostęp: otwarty dostęp
Prawa: CC BY 4.0
Attribution 4.0 International
Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY 4.0)

Rocznik czasopisma (rel.)
Rocznik czasopisma
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
T. 11 (2012)
Artykuły numeru (rel.)
Otwarty dostęp
Od redakcji - płeć kulturowa a teorie socjologiczne
(2012) Leszczyńska, Katarzyna; Dziuban, Agata
Otwarty dostęp
Pomiędzy esencjalizmem a konstruktywizmem : płeć (kulturowa) w refleksji teoretycznej socjologii - przegląd koncepcji
(2012) Leszczyńska, Katarzyna; Dziuban, Agata
In this paper the authors take up the attempt to identify the main theoretical tracks of gender categories, which were initially present in the classical sociology, and then in the singled out specialized contemporary sociological subdisciplines. In the paper the transformations within the sociological conceptualization of gender arc presented as the peculiar de-essentialisation. The expression of dc-csscntialising of gender can be noticed in the gradual departing from its biological and naturalistic understanding, which is grounded in the classical reflection of sociology, towards the defining gender in the social and cultural categories (gender roles, power relations, interactions) and finally towards general dcconstmction of the all essential concepts of sexual and gender identities.
Otwarty dostęp
On the sociology of women and women in sociology
(2012) Mucha, Janusz
This text was inspired by the work of Alice Salomon, a German social scientist active in first decades of the 20* century. It discusses the auxiliary and later creative role of women in sociology globally, from the mid-20* century until now. It is focused on the input of women to social theory. In the last part, the article discusses the role of women in Polish social sciences, but particularly the lack of systematic research on this issue.
Otwarty dostęp
Ewolucjonistyczny feminizm Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
(2012) Łuczaj, Kamil
The article presents a proposal of combining the results of biological research with a feminist paradigm presented in the American context by Sarah Blafter Hrdy. Through analysis of the ideas contained in the main works of this author I would like to bring her voice to the dispute between the evolutionists and the social constructivists. I believe that the use of stereotype breaking results of biological research can significantly increase the argumentative force of feminism. Popularization of Sarah Hrdy's legacy may be the first step to overcome the misunderstandings which have accrued so far.
Otwarty dostęp
The simultaneity of stability and change in gender relations - contributions from Giddens' structuration theory
(2012) Kahlert, Heike
The paper aims, first, to outline a theoretical frame that can be used to explain the simultaneity of stability and change in gender relations and, second, to open a discussion on the theoretical and methodological potential of Anthony Giddens' social theory of structuration for women's and gender studies. After a reflection of Giddens' remarks on the status of gender in sociological theorising and on the reception of his social theory in women's and gender studies, the author gives a short outline of his theoretical core concept of the 'duality of structure'. Then she rethinks this concept from a gender perspective and develops the concept of the 'duality of gender'. Finally the author discusses how the concept of the duality of gender can be used for social analysis.
Otwarty dostęp
O metodologii feministycznej ogólnie i osobiście
(2012) Kowalska, Beata
The idea that there arc distinctive feminist methods, methodology, epitstemology or ontology is widely contested. Our methodologies are settled in the female experience and inseparably associated with feminist ethics, theories, politics - often competing with each other within feminism. However, in spite of all these differences our entire work aims to establish political and ethical assumptions concerning just social relations, putting debates on power relations at the centre. Critical reflection on the place of the researcher in the process of knowledge production is most often indicated feature of feminist research.
Otwarty dostęp
Feminizm a demokracja - krytyka i reinterpretacja
(2012) Zielińska, Katarzyna
Democracy is based on the premise of eliminating all the differences based on such factors as gender, racc, class, ethnicity, age, by defining all who belong to the community as equal citizens enjoying the same rights and duties. However, feminist critics clearly show that the hidden premises underlying various democratic systems can to a great extent differentiate the position of women and men in the given political community. The objective of this article is to show the feminist critique of democratic theories and attempts at reinterpreting them which aim at fuller inclusion of women in the democratic system.
Otwarty dostęp
Publiczna socjologia queer
(2012) Struzik, Justyna
In the following paper I present the main assumptions of public sociology on the basis of Michael Burawoy's publications and social queer theory, according to Steven Seidman. In my paper I consider a possibility of connection of those two perspectives, which, even if are different, seem to be complementary. The queer theory still seems to be widely absent in sociology. Enriching the queer theory of 'public' issue may contribute to the development of this theory in a framework of sociology.
Otwarty dostęp
Teorie nowych ruchów społecznych w badaniach nad ruchami mężczyzn we współczesnej Polsce - próba aplikacji
(2012) Wojnicka, Katarzyna
Społeczne ruchy mężczyzn, będące tematem rozważań niniejszego artykułu, stanowią trzecią odsłonę ruchów genderowych, które narodziły się w drugiej połowie XX wieku w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej (a następnie w Europie Zachodniej i Skandynawii). Analizowane fenomeny społeczne charakteryzują się niezwykłym wewnętrznym zróżnicowaniem - do ich grona zalicza się bowiem tak odległe od siebie fenomeny jak konserwatywny ruch obrony praw mężczyzn z jednej strony i ruch profeministyczny z drugiej. W polskich realiach istotną cechą jest krótki czas ich funkcjonowania oraz stosunkowo ograniczony wpływ na zmianę społeczną. Z tego względu problematyczna wydaje się kwestia umieszczania ich w obrębie socjologicznej kategorii ruchów społecznych. Niniejszy artykuł jest w związku z tym próbą aplikacji wybranych koncepcji ruchów społecznych autorstwa Alaina Touraine'a, Alberto Mellucciego, Clausa Offego oraz Mayera Zalda i Johna McCarthy'ego do analizy polskich fenomenów.
Otwarty dostęp
De-traditionalization, gender and new forms of ideology in former Yugoslavia : a case study from northern Croatia
(2012) Fiolić, Štefica
Contrary to the widely held notion that in the context of reactionary, ethno-nationalist ideology since the 1980 patriarchal gender relations were either revitalized from old traditions or merely invented, this presentation suggests a change of perspective. Based on Detlev Claussen's concept of Alltagsreligion (everyday religion), which as modem ideology does not lay a claim to truth but rather offers a set of flexible and fragmented cer- tainties and prejudices, this paper discusscs how ethnic notions of gender allow women and men to deal with individual and collective crises albeit in an ideological - yet speciflcally modem - manner. The theoretical discussion will be linked to ethnographic observations made during field work in northern Croatia in 2008 and to biographical-narrativc interviews. From the insights gained, the paper will also examine how everyday religious interpretations have become part of contemporary scientific opinion.
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