
Benefits from co-pyrolysis of biomass and refuse derived fuel for biofuels production: experimental investigations

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Inny tytuł
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Nr normy / patentu
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Opublikowane w: Renewable Energy. -:. Vol. 230, 120808
Opis fizyczny:Skala:Zasięg:
Seria:ISSN: 0960-1481e-ISSN:
Jednostka AGH: Wydział Inżynierii Metali i Informatyki Przemysłowej
Forma studiów:
Stopień studiów:
Uzyskany tytuł:
Redaktorzy (rel.)
Promotorzy (rel.)
Recenzenci (rel.)
Projekty badawcze (rel.)
Tytuł: Comprehensive analysis of the impact of chlorine presence on fast co-pyrolysis of agriculture biomass and municipal solid wastes
ID: 2020/39/B/ST8/00883Program: OPUS20
Instytucja Finansująca Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN)
ROR: 03ha2q922 
Jednostki organizacyjne (rel.)
Wydarzenia (rel.)
Słowa kluczowe
agricultural biomass, RDF, co-pyrolysis, bio-oil
Dyscyplina (2011-2018)
Klasyfikacja MKP

The application of renewable fuels and waste for energy production is crucial environmentally and economically. Co-pyrolysis of biomass and refuse derived fuel (RDF) offers a promising pathway for valuable products that combine various benefits including enhanced energy recovery, waste valorisation, improved product quality, and environmental sustainability. Consideration of specific feedstocks and optimization of process parameters are necessary to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of the co-pyrolysis process. This work presents investigations of the co-pyrolysis process of lignocellulosic biomass wastes (rye straw and agriculture grass) and RDF. These biomasses ensure efficient decomposition. The RDF, high in carbon (78.5 %) and hydrogen (11.8 %), was predominantly plastic based. Based on Py-GC-MS studies at 600°C, it was observed that the addition of RDF to biomass caused a significant decrease in the share of organic oxygen compounds among the released decomposition products. Laboratory tests were performed in a fixed-bed reactor for raw biomass and RDF and 1:1 and 3:1 biomass to RDF mass ratio. The results demonstrated that the yield of char production decreased with the addition of RDF, which promoted the bio-oil yield. Despite, RDF pyrolysis meets problems, it was proved that co-pyrolysis of biomass and RDF is a good solution for their utilization.
