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- Adres wydawniczy: Kraków : Wydawnictwa AGH, 2012-2020
- e-ISSN: 2300-7052
- DOI:
- Poprzedni tytuł: Wiertnictwo Nafta Gaz (2005-2011)
- Aktualny tytuł: Journal of Geotechnology and Energy (2021-)
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- ArtykułTylko metadane25 years of Gazprom on the gas market(2015) Kosowska, Katarzyna; Kosowski, PiotrGas sector was one of the best growing industries of the Soviet Union in the last two decades of its existence. This was made possible thanks to the discovery and exploitation of natural gas fields in Western Siberia, as well as the construction of transmission infrastructure - domestic and export pipelines. The history of the Russian gas industry is inextricably linked with the activity of Gazprom, the gas concern set up in 1989 in place of liquidated Ministry of Gas Industry. The article gives a summary of the 25-year history of Gazprom and its economic, social and political role. It discusses activities of the company on internal and external markets, issues of gas reserves, production and transmission, as well as the financial and political relationship with the authorities of the Russian Federation.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAccessing Earth’s heat using Geothermal Radial Drilling for borehole heat exchangers(2017) Śliwa, Tomasz; Kucper, MarekSometimes there is not enough room for drilling vertical borehole heat exchangers. Hence, the idea of slant boreholes emerged. They can provide access to a rock mass, being an underground heat reservoir, located beneath infrastructure. To optimize the average value of thermal conductivity and use those layers in a given geological profile that possess best properties in the view of thermal efficiency, Geothermal Radial Drilling is used, being a very efficient technology. A GeoDrill 4R drill rig, specially designed for the Geothermal Radial Drilling technology, enables drilling at an angle between 30 and 65 degrees, which in turn, together with data on the geological profile, allows for designing the layout of exchangers so as to obtain longest possible section of a given exchanger within most energetic layers. The paper includes a description of a few investments which use Geothermal Radial Drilling for heating purposes. It also presents a comparative study between Geothermal Radial Drilling and conventional vertical borehole exchangers.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAktualne możliwości komputerowej symulacji szczelinowania hydraulicznego w złożach(2012) Wojnarowski, Paweł; Stopa, JerzyCelem pracy jest analiza aktualnych tendencji światowych w modelowaniu komputerowym zabiegów szczelinowania hydraulicznego a także ocena możliwości technicznych i przydatności wybranych symulatorów szczelinowania do projektowania zabiegów w różnych warunkach geologicznych, w tym dla złóż niekonwencjonalnych. W ramach pracy dokonano oceny przydatności oprogramowania GOHFER oraz Meyer Fracturing (MFrac i MShale) do prac projektowych zabiegu szczelinowania hydraulicznego, optymalizacji parametrów technologicznych oraz prognozowania produkcji. W tym celu wykonano testowe obliczenia symulacyjne z wykorzystaniem tych narzędzi.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneALOHA – modern tool for modeling the risks associated with the spread of volatile pollutants in extraction of hydrocarbons(2016) Kulinič, Vitalij; Maruta, MichałDuring the drilling works or exploitation of hydrocarbons working devices such as high-performance engines of drilling equipment and machines are often the main sources of gaseous and particulate pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. At the time of an emergency, eg. gas leakage or eruption in a short time in the atmosphere can get high concentrations of gases such as methane and hydrogen sulphide. The Ordinance of the Minister of the environment dated 29 January 2013 determines the basic criterion for risk of H2S assessment in mining companies extracting oil or natural gas, where is possibility – during the eruption of open holes or wells-flow on the surface of the liquid containing hydrogen sulphide, posing a hazard to workers, the mining plant traffic and people staying close to driving traffic mining plant. The paper presents the modelling of the spread gases in the atmosphere during the "normal" operation on drilling rigs and the gas leakage from the damaged pipeline. Was also made an attempt to mark safe points of the evacuation out in the moment of the emergency incident.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAnaliza istniejących prognoz rozwoju konsumpcji i podaży gazu ziemnego w Polsce w świetle dostępnych prognoz Unii Europejskiej(2012) Kaliski, Maciej; Krupa, Marcin; Sikora, AndrzejW artykule omówiono istniejące i dostępne publicznie prognozy dotyczące podaży i popytu gazu ziemnego w Polsce w perspektywie zatwierdzonej Polityki Energetycznej Polski 2030 (PEP 2030) oraz pojawiających się estymacji możliwego wydobycia gazu z łupków w Polsce. Autorzy w artykule podnoszą, że choć strategia dywersyfikacji dostawców jest wyraźną przesłanką do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju, to mimo to rozbieżności w prognozowaniu przede wszystkim "energy mix", olbrzymi wpływ na prognozy polityki klimatycznej UE oraz brak przewidywalności co do możliwych scenariuszy rozwoju wydobycia gazu z łupków są na tyle duże, że trudno mówić o przewidywalności i stabilizacji rynku gazu w Europie. Omówione zostały także scenariusze rozwoju rynku gazu uwzględniające rozwój wytwarzania energii elektrycznej z OZE, energetykę jądrową oraz perspektywę zero energetycznego rozwoju kraju (wzrost poziomu efektywności energetycznej). Wnioskiem z
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAnaliza właściwości zbiornikowych skał węglanowych na podstawie wyników testów RPZ i pomiarów geofizyki wiertniczej (górnojurajskie podłoże zapadliska przedkarpackiego)(2012) Dubiel, Stanisław; Zubrzycki, Adam; Maruta, MichałW artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy statystycznej zależności przepuszczalności efektywnej (KDST) od porowatości Phi/geof.) w celu oceny zmian właściwości zbiornikowych górnojurajskich skał węglanowych, występujących w podłożu centralnej części zapadliska przedkarpackiego, w strefie Bochnia - Dębica - Mędrzechów. Analizę przeprowadzono wykorzystując wyselekcjonowane dane uzyskane z pomiarów geofizyki wiertniczej oraz wyników testów złożowych rurowymi próbnikami złoża (RPZ). Metodą analizy statystycznej wyznaczono odpowiednie równanie regresji w postaci: log KDST = -0,142 + 0,178 x Phi/geof. mogące być przydatne do prognozowania współczynnika przepuszczalności efektywnej na podstawie wielkości współczynnika porowatości dla węglanowych skał górnej jury podłoża zapadliska przedkarpackiego.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAnalysis and selection of $CO_{2}$ sources for CCS-EOR projects in oil fields clusters in Poland(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2017) Mikołajczak, Edyta; Kosowski, Piotr; Stopa, Jerzy; Wartak, JoannaArticle contains detailed analysis and preliminary selection of potential $CO_{2}$ emitters, who could be suppliers of gas for CCS-EOR projects in oil fields clusters in Poland. The idea of $CO_{2}$ injection into clusters arises from the fact that oil reservoirs in Poland are relatively small, but very often located close together. Grouping reservoirs allows the potential storage capacity to increase significantly and improves economic indicators. In addition, CCS-EOR projects combine $CO_{2}$ storage (CCS) with an increase in production from mature oil fields (EOR). The analysis was performed using a database of carbon dioxide emitters in Poland, which was created by the National Centre for Emissions Management. This database contains a list of all registered producers of $CO_{2}$ with annual emissions exceeding 1 Mg. On this basis, potential sources of $CO_{2}$ for previously selected four clusters of oil reservoirs were chosen.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAnalysis and selection of $CO_{2}$ sources for CCS-EOR projects in oil fields clusters in Poland(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2018) Mikołajczak, Edyta; Kosowski, Piotr; Stopa, Jerzy; Wartak, JoannaArticle contains a detailed analysis and a preliminary selection of potential CO? emitters that can supply gas for CCS-EOR projects in oil fields clusters in Poland. The idea of CO? injection into clusters arises from the fact that oil reservoirs in Poland are relatively small, but very often located close together. Reservoirs grouping significantly increases the potential storage capacity and improves economic indicators. In addition, CCS-EOR projects combine CO? storage (CCS) with an increase in production from mature oil fields (EOR). The analysis was performed using a database of carbon dioxide emitters in Poland created by the National Centre for Emissions Management. This database contains a list of all registered CO? producers with annual emissions exceeding 1 Mg. On this basis, potential CO? sources for previously selected four clusters of oil reservoirs were chosen.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAnalysis impact fracturing fluid acidity on structural strength of crosslinked gel complex(2017) Krzeczek, Piotr; Wojnarowski, Paweł; Karasek, PawełNowadays hydraulic fracturing is the most commonly used technique to stimulate the productivity of a well. The selection of a proper fracturing fluid is all about choices which strongly influence on effectiveness of the treatment. It should be carefully prepared, supported by lab analysis in order to match fluid to reservoir condition. This article concerns impact of fracturing fluid additives on fluid properties. In the paper crosslinking process has been shown and its importance on conventional reservoir rocks fracturing treatment. Provided lab examination shows fluid pH impact during creation crosslinked gel complex including influence to crosslinking time in the surface condition. The lower linear gel pH caused lower crosslinking time of fracturing fluid.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneThe analysis of $CO_{2}$ injection in depleted gas reservoirs during the sequestration process(2015) Gonet, Kamil; Blicharski, Jacek; Rybicki, CzesławOne of increasingly used methods for reducing carbon dioxide emission to atmosphere is CCS technology (Carbon Capture and Storage). The last element of sequestration technological chain, after capturing and transporting, is $CO_{2}$ storage which is currently considered in: natural environment, oceans and geological structures – of which depleted gas reservoirs have high sequestrating potential mainly by virtue of proven record of geological recognition and high recovery factor, hence, great storage capacity. This paper is connected with first stage of $CO_{2}$ storage in depleted gas reservoir i.e. flow of injected fluid inside the well. Conducted analysis was concerned about $CO_{2}$ flow conditions inside the injection well in various stages of $CO_{2}$ storage process, and furthermore, relation between reservoir pressure, injection rate, well diameter. Moreover, the thermodynamic conditions and its impact on changeability of PVT parameters and hence phase changes were also investigated.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAn analysis of a temperature change in a cross-section of borehole heat exchanger(2013) Złotkowski, Albert; Szczesiul, PatrycjaUnderground heat exchangers (BHE) are used witch elements to transport energy between the ground and other objects on the surface of the land. For simplification described in mathematical apparatus, they works are explain how linear heat source. The temperature is the same in all bodies of this model. This reduction to let easy describe theoretical changes temperature in BHE through transporting energy to / from rock in analytic mathematic method. The bad effect of this method is present by the same value of temperature in horizontal cross-section and along BHE. The analysis of change of temperature field in the sealing cement BHE is a possibility for numerical simulation or laboratory model. Computer simulation needed according energy transport law. It to say about quantity of energy conducting between horizontal cross-section of BHE cells, on which is divided. The second method obtains value of temperature points of the sealing cement. This is to be realized by sensors set up in to the horizontal cross-section of BHE of laboratory model. This is possible thanks constructed the model of cross-section of BHE.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAnalysis of coal structure in the aspect of gas content(2013) Niezgoda, Tadeusz; Małek, Ewelina; Miedzińska, DanutaThe problem of methane existence in coal beds has been known for many years. It was and still is a danger to coalminers. The aim of the research presented in the paper is to show and assess the porosity structure (especially micro and nanoporosity) in accordance to the dimensions of carbon dioxide particle. The characteristic surface morphology of the sample and the disclosure of carbon porous structure was obtain using the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The presented study of the coal microstructure is a part of the coal demethanation method with the use of liquid CO2, that was proposed by Military University of Technology. Based on the results of laboratory tests may be noted that the analyzed coal has a granular structure. It is also visible that that the structure is stratified, and there is a lot of cracks and free space between grains, which can accumulated methane in coal structure. The nanoporosity of the coal grains was observed during SEM study. The sizes and shapes of pores are miscellaneous. However the dimension of 62-300 nm allow to draw a conclusion, that the nanopores can contain a few particles of CH4 (4 A), which can be released by the CO2 particle (2.54 A). Finally, on the base of presented research it can be concluded that the method of coal demethanation with the use of CO2 can be economically and ecologically effective, and can increase the miners safety.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAnalysis of Drill Stem Test (DST) results at Osobnica oil field, in terms of sampling of selected technology parameters(2017) Dubiel, Stanisław; Rzyczniak, Mirosław; Solecki, Marek; Maruta, MichałIn this paper results of DST tests obtained in two wells at Osobnica oil field are presented. At the same time there were analyzed and reinterpreted the conditions of these results from the selection of technological parameters and geological conditions. The results of this analysis have been developed in conclusions.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAnalysis of drill stem testing technology of the Malm carbonate rocks of the Carpathian Foothills, in the aspect of geological research and exploration decisions(2013) Rzyczniak, Mirosław; Godula, Anna; Maruta, Michał; Dubiel, StanisławGas-, oil- and water-bearing Upper Jurassic formations (Malm) in the area of the Carpathian Foothills are built from carbonate reservoir rocks with vuggy-fracture porosity system (or fracture-vuggy), which absolute porosity is from a few to several percent. At the end of the twentieth century DST tests provided a lot of reliable reservoir information, on which the important decisions for geological research and exploration, can be taken. The credibility of these tests results depends largely on the technology used. The paper presents the results of three selected DST tests, differing in technology, particularly with attention to the usefulness of the obtained information in explorations for hydrocarbon deposits process.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAnalysis of energy transfer between pipes of U-type borehole heat exchanger(Wydawnictwa AGH, 2017) Złotkowski, Albert; Druzgała, Angelika; Zeljaś, DagmaraUse of low-temperature energy accumulated in the ground for heating buildings requires the borehole heat exchangers. The amount of heat exchanged (by the heat exchanger with the urethane) depends on the construction material parameters used to make the exchanger. One of the problems with the efficiency of the heat exchanger is the amount of heat transferred between the borehole pipes. This phenomenon can be described using numerical simulations or by studying a laboratory model. This article shows the results of laboratory measurements of the heat flux permeating between the pipes of the heat exchanger.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAn analysis of fluids after hydraulic fracturing in the aspect of their further use or neutralization(2013) Jamrozik, Aleksandra; Gonet, Andrzej; Czekaj, LucynaToday’s ecological policy focuses on preventing anthropogenic environmental hazards. A large share of activities are oriented to the precise recognition of hazards and use of solutions thanks to which the negative environmental effects of mining activity can be considerably reduced. Issues related to the recovery of water after hydraulic fracturing with emphasis on the possible utilization and management of fluids after hydraulic fracturing in Polish conditions are discussed in view of the respective law.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAnalysis of fracturing fluid system, effect of rock mechanical properties on fluid selection(2014) Laura, AnastasiâHydraulic fracturing treatments of shale gas reservoirs is pumping process in which millions of gallons of fracturing fluids mixed with proppant materials and thickening agents are pumped into the target shale formation. Fluids are used to create the fractures in the formation and to carry a propping agent which is deposited in the induced fractures to keep them from closing up. Type and percentage of chemical additives that used in a typical fracture treatment varies depending on the conditions of well being fractured. A series of chemical additives are selected to impart a predictable set of properties of the fluid, including viscosity, friction, formation-compatibility, and fluid-loss control. Each component in fracturing fluids serves a specific, engineered purpose and geological structure of rock. The properties of fracturing fluid are very important in the creation and propagation of the fracture. For successful stimulation fracturing fluid must to have certain chemical and physical properties. Study of the properties fracturing fluids has a huge role in the processes of shale gas extraction. In scientific literature indicates that hydraulic fracturing fluid performance became a prevalent research topic in the late 1980s and the 1990s. The majority of literature pertaining to fracturing fluids related to their operational efficiency and classification. Some of the existing literature offer information regarding the basic chemical components present in most of these fluids. This paper will discuss types of fracturing fluids and it components that may be used for hydraulic fracturing. Comprehensive history of the evolution of hydraulic fracturing fluids in the oil and gas industry plays a significant part in research. This work summarizes requests for fracturing fluids. In addition, this paper shows effect of rock mechanical properties on fracturing fluid selection.
- ArtykułOtwarty dostępAnalysis of gas condensate(2012) Tenkrát, Daniel; Hlinčík, TomášCzyszczenie gazociągów standardowo poprzedza ich wewnętrzną kontrolę wykonywaną przez wszystkich operatorów systemów przesyłowych. Ważną procedurą jest wewnętrzna kontrola wykonana za pomocą inteligentnych narzędzi, która umożliwia np. stwierdzenie ubytku materiału, korozję i pęknięcia w rurociągu. Jednakże również osady cieczy czy substancji stałych mogą dostarczyć informacji na temat stanu rurociągu, określić potencjalne problemy i ich źródło. W pracy zwrócono uwagę na metody analiz różnych rodzajów osadów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kompleksowej analizy na konkretnych próbkach z wykorzystaniem klasycznych metod, np. analiza węgla połączona z nowoczesnymi metodami analiz (spektrometria XRF, GC-MS, GC-ECD, SIM-DIST).
- ArtykułTylko metadaneThe analysis of heating output evaluation methods for borehole heat exchangers(2016) Śliwa, Tomasz; Grygieńcza, Andrzej; Bieda, Anna; Sapińska-Śliwa, Aneta; Gonet, Andrzej; Jaszczur, Marek; Kowalski, TomaszProjects involving borehole heat exchangers more often need to undergo a series of tests before implementation. Inserted pipes and cement in the borehole may have diff erent thermal properties. Until recently, such values were determined in approximate, based on values taken from the literature. Special methods are used more often to perform this type of work in order to correctly determine the properties of a borehole heat exchanger. The aim of the study was to present an analysis of thermal properties of borehole heat exchangers with the main emphasis on parameters such as thermal conductivity and thermal resistance.The analyzed data was obtained through the use of three methods:– analysis of the lithological profi le with rock conductivity based on the literature,– analysis of natural temperature profi le in aborehole heat exchanger (logger NIMO-T),– thermal response test.
- ArtykułTylko metadaneAnalysis of inaccuracy of determining a directional borehole axis(2015) Topolski, Tomasz; Gonet, Andrzej; Stryczek, StanisławThe development of directional drilling made designers work out numerous measurement devices for spatial location of the borehole axis. The borehole trajectory can be determined on the basis of very accurate calculation methods. The authors present a brief characteristic of devices for measuring dogleg angle and azimuths as well as methods for calculating the spatial placement of borehole axis, i.e.:– average angle method, – tangential method, modified to balanced tangential method, – radius of curvature method (RCM), – minimum curvature method. Calculations and graphical representations of deviations obtained with these four methods were performed for three selected trajectories of borehole axes (2D), increase/decrease of dogleg angle and 3D, increase/decrease of dogleg angle and azimuth with the use of COMPASS software (part of Halliburton Landmark package).