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Studia Humanistyczne AGH

ISSN: 2084-3364
Data wydania
T. 11
Nr 1
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Prawa: CC BY 4.0
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Studia Humanistyczne AGH
T. 11 (2012)
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Chrześcijańskie sakramenty w ujęciu teorii aktów mowy
(2012) Pasek, Zbigniew
The article deals with a problem of using the theory of a speech act in analysis of Christian sacraments in religious studies. Author finds the concept useful for many reasons. Mostly, religious studies are free of problem of truth, because the theory tells only about felicity of creating beliefs or not. According to S. Tambiah, it lets us analyse the scale of magic in religious rituals, also Christian, like sacramental practice. In the article different sacramental theologies, like Catholicism, Orthodox and different Protestant religions (Calvinism, Lutheranism) are looked at in terms of illocutionary power of words used during rituals and their effectiveness. It lets us illustrate the historical process of decreasing of the magical element in interpretation of basic Christian rituals.
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Źródła transmisyjnego ujęcia procesu komunikacji
(2012) Kulczycki, Emanuel
The purpose of the present paper is to suggest a philosophical basis for reflection on the transmission model of communication. The article is a contribution to the discussion about the genesis of the concept of communication. It also attempts to specify the conditions that have to be met to identify the non-etymological genesis of transmission approach to the phenomenon of communication. The paper consists of four sections. The first one distinguishes between a ‘model of communication’ and an ‘approach to communication’. While the second section examines the etymological and historical genesis of the contemporary term ‘communication’, it particularly discusses two metaphors on which the transmission model of communication builds: the ‘organic’ and the ‘transmission’ metaphors. The third section considers the basic elements of the Shannon–Weaver model of communication which is generally regarded as the very source of all communication models. The fourth section delivers a presentation of a philosophical perspective on the genesis of the transmission approach: Plato’s Phaedros, Scholastic semiotics, Descartes’ cogito and Locke’s empiricism are covered here. The most important conclusion that is drawn here has it that the philosophical perspective on the genesis of the concept of communication makes it possible to show that the category of transmission is inadequate for a serious reflection on the communication process.
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Słuch a percepcja przestrzeni
(2012) Skoczek, Zuzanna
Space is usually perceived and examined as a tridimensional, but visual construct. The article shows it as a process, in which both external (systemic, environmental) and internal (psychological, physical) factors matter. They are important in all kinds of space perception, including the auditory one, which is often disregarded. Meanwhile, it can furnish rich information on one’s point in the space, events happening around, character and function of a place etc. What cannot be ignored is that “auditory spatial awareness” [Blesser, 2007] in- influences people’s behavior. This is the reason why architects, governments and artists start to pay attention to this phenomenon, while social researchers do surveys. Their cooperation can be seen in Evidence-Based Design architectonic trend or Project for Public Spaces. Similar, but stricter requirements are set by the European Commission. But surrounding sounds are not only damaging and disturbing. Many of them are helpful, provide information, give solace and many are parts of soundmarks, “acoustic landmarks”, are components of identity. Gathering sounds, often ascribed to places, became a new kind of entertainment and artistic activity.
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Sex i shopping – związki i paralele : refleksja kulturoznawcza
(2012) Skowronek, Katarzyna
The article deals with the relations between sex and shopping (wider: the contemporary forms of sexuality and lifestyle of consumerism) and biological, psychosocial, cultural reasons of such connections. The author analyses jokes about sex&shopping, popular scientific media texts, movies and popular literature, in which the two ideas sex&shopping are collected and compared. She also shows material categories: sex industry, prostitution, sponsoring. She investigates in which economical and social conditions the symbiosis of sex and shopping is successful. She hypothesizes that the formula sex&shopping is a kind of important metaphor for the contemporary society, shows the constant emancipation ambitions of women in the realm of economics and sex, characterizes ‘singles’ culture’ and the one type of feminism at the turn of 20thc., which is named power-dressing or glamour feminism.
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Walter Hugo Khouri’s voyeuristic games with his audience in "Noite Vazia"
(2012) Małecka, Joanna
This paper offers an analysis of Walter Hugo Khouri’s most acclaimed but also most controversial film, Noite Vazia (Men and Women, 1964). The author of the paper discusses Noite Vazia in the context of the 1950/60s economic boom in Brazil. Against this background, Khouri’s film is examined as an original and far-sighted challenge to the state-ideology which boasted ‘fifty years progress in five’ and regarded cinema as a means of promoting social progress. A close analysis of Noite Vazia reveals Khouri’s rejection of such a restrictive cinematographic agenda. The film features an intricate game of looks and glances in which both Khouri’s characters, the silent city and also his audience become engaged. Outreaching the bounds of the politicallyapproved line of thinking, Khouri stages a daring comment on the role of the cinema, and on the universality and persistence of such traits of human nature as voyeurism and lustiness.
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Moda jako wyraz przemian duchowych i kulturowych współczesnego człowieka? Symbolika religijna w wybranych sesjach fotograficznych i pokazach mody
(2012) Faber, Dominika
The main purpose of this article is to explore religious inspirations which appear in contemporary fashion and to reveal the differences in introducing particular religions.Fashion industry uses eastern religious motifs to strengthen the authority of the fashion world, on the other hand, associates naked female bodies with Christian or Muslim symbolism as a refusal of religious dictation. In the article, it is proved that religious inspirations appearing in fashion became a sign of a wider phenomena, which is related to the process of secularization and at the same time exploration of new forms of spirituality. Also addresses the question of fashion which exposes the repressive character of religion which intends to control human impulses and sexuality, as well as the problem of commercialization of eastern practices. Semiotic analysis of photography allowed me to test and prove the hypotheses raised earlier. This research method recognizes not only what the literal layer of photography is but also the whole cultural context which includes artist, his work and receiver.
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Wpływ malarstwa surrealistycznego na reklamę współczesną
(2012) Bednarska, Sonia
The purpose of this article is to examine the influence of surrealistic painting on contemporary advertising, taking into consideration the differences in use of surrealistic references on three levels of literalness: advertisement citing specific, surrealistic images, advertisement made of mosaic of various borrowings from surrealistic painting, finally advertisement created in a surrealistic manner, considered as a type of post-surrealistic masterpiece. To begin with theoretical issues connected with postmodern culture of image, the phenomena of contemporary advertisement and its intertextual relations with art, author tries to find answers on following questions: Why surrealism became so attractive material for advertisement? Is it possible, to acknowledge advertisement profiting from surrealistic painting, as an example of postmodern statement? Is it valid, basing on its example, to treat about the type of transgression in contemporary advertisement? The conclusions of this analysis include: purpose and function of use of surrealism in advertisement, the role of visual layer, disappearance of persuasive function to the benefit of strengthening the esthetic function and inscribing advertisement into postmodern paradigm of culture.
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Ethno-nationalist Weltanschauung in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to the European Union
(2012) Brljavac, Bedrudin
Despite the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina have been going through a deep and thorough Europeanisation process since the late 1990s it is interesting and puzzling as well that the country still has not achieved the expected level of democratic consolidation. Especially, it is of utmost importance to pay attention the increasing political domination of ethnic-nationalist political forces in the post-war Bosnia which tend to institutionally marginalize citizens of the minority groups and those who declare themselves as non-nationalists. Such a discriminatory process clearly opposes the country’s aspirations towards European Union membership. Thus, in this article I investigate the process of the post-war ethno-nationalist paradigm which has brought about deep discrimination against the so-called Others as they are defined in the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article comes with the conclusion that post-war Bosnian democracy has included a number of institutional shortcomings and serious deficiencies thus resulting in an ethnocratic regime which excludes everyone who does not feel part of such a regime. Thus, the current process of an ethno-nationalisation has clearly blocked further progress of the country towards the future European Union membership.
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Explaining the European Community – Australia wine trade agreement : impact of national preferences on a change of scene in trade politics
(2012) Rybak, Mariusz
In January 1994, the European Community and Australia signed the Agreement on Trade in Wine. Considering the dramatic changes in the international wine market, this strategy of policy coordination is hardly surprising. In the late 80s and early 90s the dynamic and highly competitive newcomers from countries like Australia and the USA have broken the domination of European producers for the first time. What is astonishing though is the fact that the arrangement was reached in the final phase of the Uruguay Round negotiations, three months before the signing of the Marrakech Agreement that regulated the trade of agricultural products. But neither Brussels nor Canberra settled for this first arrangement, and fourteen years later they signed another wine Agreement. The article presents the results of analysis of the political debate and legal actions preceding the two Wine Agreements between the EC and Australia. The main focus is on the political and economic factors explaining the 1994 EC-Australia Agreement on Trade in Wine as well as the motivation for the update of this arrangement in 2008. The author argues that the agreement can be explained in terms of the interests of wine producers. The proposed explanation is based on Andrew Moravcsik’s theory of national preference formation.
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Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku jako instytucja realizująca ideę edukacji osób starszych
(2012) Świątek, Paulina
Science dealing with the education of the elderly is geragogics, which studies pedagogical determinants and the effects of aging. Scientific reflection of geragogues could lead to the development of effective educational programs targeted to seniors, and to identify priorities for such activities. These are mainly actions maintained psychophysical, intellectual and social seniors activity, help in adapting to the new situation which is old age, as well as assistance in the process of self-improvement and self-knowledge. The process of seniors’ institutional education in the world began in the 70. XX with the creation the first University of the Third Age in France. Currently, such institutions operate in all countries facing process of population aging. In Poland first such institution was established in 1975 in Warsaw. Currently in Poland there are 315 UTA. The main UTA’s goal is to provide conditions for seniors’ active aging, combined with knowledge of processes taking place in their life, as well as creating conditions for deepening their knowledge and maintain social relationships with peers. Realization of these goals are foster by UTA’s activities, taking various forms: from lectures, such as workshops, classes to recreation and tourism. Such diversity has infl uenced on harmonious development of senior body and soul.